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Sitting on an empty dinning table is worst then anything . I hate the feeling of being empty .I never thought my life would turn into such a mess . Jin thought while playing with his food .

I wish she would be here with me . I cant belive lost her but still trying to hold on hopeless hope . Jin sigh

" Hyung ? " jhope pat his shoulder to get his attention

" Are you okay . You seems lost since Yn left with jk " . He ask while sitting next to him

" I See my muffin in her " jin replied

" she indeed have something common " . Namjoon sat while joining the conversetion
" But that dont explains you being careless about your meal " he said while pointing on his plate .

" I know " he speaks slowly

" where is youngi ? Any progress ? " jin ask while changing the the topic .

" yeah he will soon update us " Rm replied knowing his hyung is not gona talk .

" No one is allowed to mess with my people " jin said with his dark eyes .


" YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...! HOW DARE YOUUUUUUUU " jimin shout at jk who was just standing and smirking at him

" you ask for this " he said while moving towords him with most devilish smirk .

" stay away from MEEEE AHHHH TAEHYUNGAHHHHHHHH " jimin ask tae for help but poor him he also turn his back on him

" you are snake cant belive i call you my
Friend " jimin hiss at him


I did not know when i fall asleep i feel so relaxed after a long time my stress is gone and the reason of my peace is this little lamd .

Sleeping and not caring about her surrounding
Her presence make me feel so light and calm .

Jungkook pull her more closer admiring her small button nose her inviting lips her soft touches everything about her is so calming .
Then his eyes landed on her exposed shoulder her big hoddie was diheaved .

He trace his nose from her shoulder to her neck kissing lightly making her shudder and snugling more into him .her little whines is so cute .

I bite my lips not wanting lose my control over this little lamb who is yet to bloom in hands of beast .

I slowly snugled my face into her neck and sniff her heavenly scent . She slowly open her eyes and the first thing she did was scream and she hurridly jump off me stumbling backword falling on her but .

I look at her confused she check her hand like she did some crime .

" Mas-ter i.. you- r face " she stutter

I took out my phone and check it and my eyes widend


" YOU thought you can get away after runing my face with polish ! " jk yelled annoyed .

Jk got off the couch and march towords the open lawn where jimin was standing he ran behind him while he got buterfly to put in his pants .


" okay fine i was just having fun man ! . You dont need that shit to put in my pants you know i hate that !! ." Jimin defend himself while getting away from jk

Suddenly jimin feels someone grip on him and within few seconds he is strangled by his soo called friend Taehyung .

" come on short pants it just a buterfly " Taehyung smirk at him .

MAFIA STRESS RELIVER  (   Jungkook FF )Where stories live. Discover now