chapter -5

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Pete: Seeing her like this broke our heart...
Kin: her Dad used to bring her here that's how we got close... That's how we understood her...
Porsche: We asked her dad to let her stay with us for some time...
Kim: But he rejected...
Kin: I told him I'll train her... Then he allowed her to stay here...
Porsche: We taught her about love... About happiness....
Tankun: That's when we realised that, it was all a new chapter for her... She never knew what love or happiness is.. they only thing she know
Vegas: Was pain and suffering and to enjoy it... She started spending time with us frequently and she became a part of our family...
Chay: But it didn't last long..... When she was in her high school was send aboard...
Kin: her dad wanted her to be stronger than anyone... So he send her there to train her.... She used to call us and we get to know that she was suffering worse there...
Pete: When she knew that we talked with her dad and asked him to stop torturing her.... She stopped contacting us...
Payu: Why?
Kim: We don't know.... We never saw her again until... A few years after she left, her dad passed away in an accident we went to his funeral and we saw her there but....
Chay: She was not the person we knew... By then she had changed completely...
Payu: changed how?
Porsche: There used to be a shine in her eyes... But that day there was no shine... It was dark... There was no feelings in it anymore... It was like her eyes were dead....
Kin: After the funeral she went back aboard... Uncle Bai had a younger brother he was a really nice guy he used to stop his brother from torturing her.. He supported us when we went to talk with him about her.... He didn't have kids after her dad's death he took care of her and raised her... That was the last thing we knew about her....
Vegas: There was no news about her all these years since then....

Kim: By the way how do you know her?😒

(Everyone looks at him...)

Payu: 😅 I met her....
Vegas: Where? When?
Payu: She is my friend's friend...
Pete: Friend's friend??
Payu: Yeah... We met a few days ago.. She told me she knew about you guys... So I came to ask you about it....😅😅

(Everyone looks happy yet a bit gloomy)

Payu: What's wrong? Why do you guys look so gloomy??
Pete: I was just thinking about her... U guys had a really good family and environment to grow up.. but her.. Since she started walking she has been suffering... It must have been hard for her... I just feel like seeing her... I miss her....
Kin: Actually we all do.... She was just like a sister or like a daughter for us...

(Payu looks at him... He feels bad seeing them like this...)

Payu: I'll bring her to see u guys....
Chay: really?
Payu: yeah....
Pete: Do u think she has found the one for her?🤔
Kim: With her character... I don't think so...
Porsche: I think she might have someone.... U know when she loves someone she will give them all her love... I think that she has found her special one.... She deserves it....
Pete: yeah you are right...

Payu:( The special one...? Is it him....? 🥺💔)

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