chapter -17

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( All of them with Their bodyguards reach an abandoned building on the outskirts.... They went inside and they shot everyone who came in the way... At last they went to the room where Sky&Rain we kept...)

Payu: Rain...
Max: ohh you are here....

(Max is standing opposite to, Rain and Sky with a gun pointing at them.... Snow & Payu & Pai are standing almost at the middle to the right of Max...)

Snow: let go of them...
Max: I won't... What I can't get, you won't get it either....

(Saying this Max shoots towards Rain and Sky....They heard a third short in the mean time... Payu and Pai rushes towards them and covers them with Their body....)

(After a few seconds they realised they didn't get hurt... But suddenly they hear Sky shouting....)

Sky: Snow!!!!!!!!

(Payu & Pai looks back towards where Snow was....but they see her laying on the floor covered in blood... She was shot...and Max he was also shot by Snow on his chest...he was dead....Snow was sobbing.... VegasPete, Kinnporsche and the others came and saw Snow....)

Vegas: Snow!!!

(Tears were flowing from his eyes.. he took her in his arms....)

Pete: (crying)No... Snow...My
Snow: I..
Porsche: (crying) don't talk please...

(Kinn, Pete are trying to stop her bleeding...)

Kin: Take her to hospital....get the car...
Pol: yes sir...

(Rain & Sky are released and they rush towards Snow...)

Rain: No...No please...
Sky: Snow..... please...
Snow: (shuttering) Why are you.... crying like kids...? I'm fine....just a bit...weak...
Payu:(crying) Snow...
Snow: Listen to me... Take care of the kids....if.. something...happens to me..
Take good care of....them... Please give them... A family they need.....
Pai:(crying) why did you come in between? why...
Snow: Because you guys....are also my family.... assholes... Don't worry I'll okay... I'll be back.... Payu&Pai please take care of both of them... And my kids... And Dads I'm really.... happy that ...I got you my... family.... I love you all.... I'm really.. happy...

Kin: the car is here....let's go to the hospital....

(Emergency room...)

( Everyone is sitting outside the room.. all of them are crying.... Khun and Chay and Kim rushes to the hospital)

Kin: how are the kids?
Kim: They are okay...

(The door opens and Dr comes out...)

Pete: Dr. How is she...?
Dr: We are Sorry to inform you.... She didn't made it....
Vegas:(breaks down) No it can't be.... She is a fighter... she won't...
Dr: She really is a fighter... She was fighting but in the end.....
Porsche: No....(crying)

(Everyone started crying heavily... They couldn't control themselves....they cried their hearts out...)

Rain: You said you are will be back....
Sky: You lied to lied....

(Pai&Payu hugs them...but instead of comforting them...they started crying because they were really sad of loosing her....)

(After 3 years...)

Pai: wake up babby....
Sky: 2 min...
Start: Dad.... Ask Mom where are my shoes?
Pai: Sky where are star's shoes?
Sky: In the closet below...


Rain: You brats!! If you don't wake up now... You will be late....
Payu: Baby...let them sleep....
Rain: You are spoiling them...they have to go to school....
Star: mom, dad are brothers ready?
Payu: Hi my princess.... They are still sleeping...
Star: They are going to get me late today...

(After a while everyone joins for breakfast....)

Moon: grandpa....
Vegas: Are you going to school?
Sun: Yes grandpa....
Pete: Princess... I made your favourite...
Moon: what about us....
Porsche: here... I made your favourite...
Kin: what about me?
Porsche: shut it!!!
Kin: (sulks..)

(Everyone laughs....)


Jack: here is the information you needed...
Snow: thanks....
Jack: I don't understand you....
Snow: you don't need to...
Jack: You willingly left everyone but you still keep eye on them....
Snow: (ignores)
Jack: Don't you love them?
Snow: Love? My dad told me Love is a weakness... And I Snow can't afford weakness....
Jack: blah...blah..blah..
Snow: Do u want a beating?

(Snow gets a call...)

Sun: Hii are you doing....
Snow: I'm fine baby... What about you guys?
Star: we are fine mom...
Snow: What about your dad's? Is everyone nice to you?
Moon: yes mom... Everyone loves us...
Snow: good to hear....
Star: So are you coming back?
Snow: I...
Moon: How long are you going to do this?
Sun: Everyone thinks you are dead....
Snow: but you guys know I'm not right??
Sun: MOM!!!
Snow: Fine... You know how much rish it is do my job right.... One day I'll clean all the dirt and I'll be back... I promise...
Star: really?
Snow: Really... I love you guys...
Kids: we love you too...

(Hungs up the call...)

Jack: they really are your kids... You made everyone believe that you are dead... Except your kids.... They know the truth since day one.... And they are still keeping it a secret from everyone... They really have your genes.....
Snow: thanks....
Jack: you did it for everyone... What about you?
Snow: me? I don't care... I just want the ones I love to be happy.... Now they are happy with their loved ones.... They were never safe when they were with me... i never let them know anything but now they are are safe.... I'll protect them.... That the only thing I want to do...that will make me happy....
Jack: You know what.... You really are the craziest person I have seen....
Snow: thanks for the compliment...

(A bodyguard comes in..)

BG: Sir... We have got the torture room ready... The person is inside...
Snow: okay... Do you wanna see how crazy I can be?? I'm going to have some fun do u wanna join?😈😈😈
Jack: gladly...😈😈

______________THE END_________________

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