First day of training- Kai/ Nya

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Your POV:

"Argh".  I fell out of bed and looked down at my pyjamas that were now fully drenched. I heard laughing and saw Nya stood above me, playing with a water sphere.

"I told her not to do it" Kai said defensively, and hid behind Nya as I stood up with a glare on my face.

"Whatever " I huffed. I walked over to my wardrobe to get my clothes out for the day but when I opened it, there was a gi hanging in there. 

I turned back around to see Kai and Nya with huge smiles on their faces. "Get ready", Nya said, "you'll only just have time for breakfast before training if you hurry up".

 "Get ready", Nya said, "you'll only just have time for breakfast before training if you hurry up"

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(Your gi and hairstyle) 

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(Your gi and hairstyle) 

They left my room and I quickly got changed then went to the training deck, grabbing a f/f (favourite fruit) on the way. 

"There she is" Cole exclaimed.

"Yes, here I am. Hope no one missed me too much. Anyways, what are we doing for training?" I replied.

Zane walked forward and the rest of the guys went to stand around the edges. 

"We will be doing some simple sparring to try contact your element. Is that okay?" Zane asked. I nodded and got into a fighting stance as we began to spar.

Zane to swipe my legs but I jumped and knocked him over with a kick. I have the upper hand now. I felt someone's arms around head and I turned to see Zane smirking, "classic rule: never turn your back on an enemy ".

He let me go and I went to punch but he stepped out the way at the last minute which made me fly across the room. Why can't he just go down? Why can't I land a single hit on him? I suddenly felt really powered up and saw a small lava sphere in my hand.

I made it a bit bigger and turned to face Zane and the others with a smirk. I threw the sphere at Zane but he put it out with his ice. Kai and Nya ran towards me and hugged me.

"We're so proud of you sis!" Kai screamed.

Nya nodded her head in agreement, "I think this calls for some celebratory f/d (favourite dessert) !!" She exclaimed. 

I fist bumped the air and went inside with the others, happy I used my powers. 

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