When he comes for you - Lloyd

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(Not gonna lie, this is the one I've been waiting for lol) 

Your POV: 

I'm playing with some of the kids on the field. Just a simple game of football when our side loses and everyone starts moping around. '' C'mon guys'' I say. ''We'll beat them next time, c'mon cheer up!" Everyone just stares at me and I realise that one of the boys is going to say something. 

''You know, y/n, I don't even know why your still here. You haven't even got one bit of evil in you. This is Darkley's Boarding School for bad kids not for sweet icky princesses''. And I was right but, of course, it had to be Brad. He's the worst out of all the kids here. 

''So what Brad? What you gonna do bout it?'' He started advancing on me and I'm not gonna lie, I'm definetly really nervous. 

''Do you know who you remind me of, y/n? You're excatly like your petty little twin. Can you remember him or is he that stupid you've already forgotten him?'' Okay, now I'm getting angry. No one insults my twin.

 ''Brad, you take that back.'' I yelled. 

 ''What you gonna do about y/n? Everyone here knows your too nice to even hurt a fly. Your not even 2% bad." Okay, now Brad is getting on my nerves. No one insults Lloyd and gets away with it.

 "Brad... I swear to god, if you don't take that back, you'll see just how dangerous I can be"  I don't know what came over me but all of a sudden I felt like I had all the energy in the world and all the kids were starting to back away from me.

 "Ermm... whatever y/n. Just  stay away from me" That was all he said before he ran away. I looked down at my hands and now realised why they ran away. My hands, they were glowing and had small orbs of lights on them. No matter what I did, they wouldn't go away. I was scared and sprinted as fast as I could all the way to my room. I locked the door and slid down to the floor in fear, hoping for whatever is happening to me to go away.

Lloyd's POV:

I was on the bridge when the elemental tracker started beeping like crazy. "Hey guys?!" I immediately called for the others to see what was going on. In less than two minutes, they all came running. Zane reached me first, "What is it brother? You sound worried." 

"I don't know what's going on. The elemental tracker just started beeping like mad out of nowhere." The others were here now and all looked just as confused as I was. Nya came closer and started pressing multiple buttons so fast that I lost count.

 "Ermm... guys? There's signs of an elemental master of light at..." It took her a few minutes to pinpoint the location but she eventually found it. "Darkley's Boarding School?" I just stared at the floor. I knew the others were all looking at me but I don't know if they're ready to hear what I have to say.

 "Lloyd? You good?" Cole said.

 "Yeah I'm fine there's just something I need to tell you guys but, before I do, promise not to freak?" All of them were now confused but just nodded. "Okay. Ermm... I have a twin sister called y/n and she's an elemental master." I looked up from the ground to just see shocked faces.

 Jay was the first to speak, "But how come she wasn't with you when we found you?" This was gonna be hard for me to explain because I always get upset explaining it but, I'll try to hide my emotions.

 I take a big breath in before telling them the rest of the story, " Me and y/n got separated when Master Wu came to get me. I promised to go back for her one day but... I just haven't had time". I looked back at ground but felt a hand on my shoulder. 

"Well, now you do. You get her Lloyd and then you can bring her back here and we'll help her just like we did with you". It was Kai's voice that spoke and I looked up to see that everyone was nodding in agreement.

 "Okay" I said. I took hold of the steering wheel and headed for my sister. 

~Time skip because I can lol~

Lloyd's POV:

We arrive at  Darkley's boarding school and a ton of memories start flooding back. I can remember on my first night when Brad put a snake in my bed and I was so scared I slept in one of the classrooms far away from my room. The Bounty landed on the roof and I jumped down as fast as I could and sprinted to the main reception. I asked for the room of Y/n Garmadon and made my way up there.

 I got to the door and heard sobbing coming from inside the room so I barged through the door and found y/n, sat in the corner of the room with her knees drawn  up to her chest. She was rocking back and forth whilst looking at her hands. There was little orbs of light on them and now I could tell why she was so freaked out. It took her a few minutes to realise that I was in her room but when she did, she jumped up and ran into my arms. 

"Lloyd!" she screamed. I'm not gonna lie, her scream definetley hurt my ears but I was just so happy to see my twin that I didn't say anything. 

"Hey y/n" I said and sat her down on the sofa. She seemed to have calmed down a bit now so I decided to ask what happened. I sat down next to her and she told me the whole story.

 "Wow. That sounds pretty hectic. But, there is a brighter side to everything that's happened" All y/n did was just stare at me and I blocked my ears ready for what was about to come next. Y/n stood up and yelled at the top of her lungs. I'm not surprised if the guys on the roof could hear her. 

"A BRIGHTER SIDE OF WHAT'S HAPPENED? ARE YOU CRAZY?! THERES STRANGE LIGHT ORBS ON MY PALMS THAT WON'T GO AWAY NO MATTER WHAT I DO!" Okay, my ear drum definetly just burst. I calmed y/n down and told her the rest. 

"You didn't let me finish" I said. Y/n sat back down and looked at me to tell me to carry on. "What I was saying is that you're the elemental master of light. Turns out you have some of my element in you. I mean, it was to be expected since we're twins and all but to me, it sounds like when Brad was making you mad, you woke up your elemental powers."

 Y/n sat there in silence until I spoke again. "If you want, you can come live with me and my teammates? We can help you learn to control your power and plus, it'll make up for all the lost time we have." 

I stood up from the sofa and was about to start walking when I felt y/n jump on my back. "YES! YES! YES! YES!" she shouted. I chuckled and slightly headbutted her. 

"Okay then. Let's go. The Bounty's on the roof".  Y/n was silent and I wondered why so I looked behind me to find that she had fallen asleep. I forgot that waking your elemental powers up can be exhausting the first time. I left her asleep on my back and made the climb to the Bounty.

 I got to the top and the other's all just looked at me. "Sshh". I said. 

Jay spoke and said, "We've got a spare room down the hall from yours. You can put her in there until she wakes up". I nodded and took y/n to the room. I laid her down on the bed, tucked her in and went to walk out. I stopped and looked back and just smiled. I'm happy to have my twin back. 

I loved writing that. I never knew how much fun this was gonna be lol :>

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