Your 15th- Cole

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~TW: undergaed drinking ~ 

Your POV: 

I was sleeping peacefully until a great lump jumped on top of me. "Cole, get off me!" I groaned.

"No can do pebble. I know that if I move right now, you will go back to sleep and won't wake up until tomorrow or something. So I'm staying here until I see with my own eyes that you're awake" Cole replied with a chuckle.

"Okay, Okay, I'm awake. See, my eyes are open. Now, GET. OFF!" I screamed, trying to push Cole off of me but he had the upper hand due to his freakish strength. I heard  lot of shuffling coming from the halls and the team burst through my door. 

"What happened? There was laughing then screaming? Who do I need to kill?" Lloyd asked.

"Just get this big oaf of me" I whined, still trying to push Cole. The others just stood by the door laughing among themselves. 

"I think that's just Cole's way of saying happy birthday, or rather the brother way. Kai does that too" Nya said. 

 "His way of saying happy birthday? But why would he - . Ahhhh oh my god, ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!" I yelled. 

 "Seriously shortcake ? You forgot your own birthday?"  Jay questioned.

"Maybe she did, but she knows now. Okay, there's a party later, but just a small one. Probably just us lot but we can make it fun since Wu is out of town. My sister said she had a dress for you and some other stuff as a birthday present and for the party. We can give presents now and then get ready?" Kai explained. 

"Sounds good to me" Cole agreed, "open mine first!" . Cole handed me a black leather box and inside was the most stunning piece of jewellery I had ever seen. 

"Cole! It's beautiful, thank you so much! I love you! " I squealed as I hugged him

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"Cole! It's beautiful, thank you so much! I love you! " I squealed as I hugged him. All  the others started giving me gifts and I was grateful for what I received : a photo from Jay, a bow and arrow from Zane, hair products from Kai,  a photo from Lloyd and the dress for the party of Nya. Lloyd had also mentioned that Sensei had a new gi for me and would probably give it to me once he returned. 


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