When you're depressed/ sad over something - Jay

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(f/f) - favourite food 

Jay's POV:

I turn the games console on and make my way towards the cupboards in the kitchen. I could never play games without snacks, everyone knows that. Just as I'm about to open the cupboard, the front door slams open and shut. Y/n went for a walk earlier and I'm guessing she's just come back, but why would she slam the door? 

I walked into the hallways to talk to her, "Hey y/n, how was your wa-". She walked straight past me and into her room, slamming the door behind her. They guys popped their heads out of the game room and looked in the direction y/n went. 

"Was that y/n?" Lloyd asked. All I could do was nod my head, still in shock from the amount of force she slammed her door with. 

"What's wrong with her? She's never that moody" Kai said. Everyone nodded in agreement. 

"Maybe she's just tired, I'm sure she'll be fine at dinner" I replied. 

~A few hours later~

It's been a while since y/n got home from her walk and she still hasn't come out of her room. All the guys have tried to get her to come out, even if it was just her looking through the gap in her door. But still nothing, not even Lloyd could convince her. I'm starting to get worried because it's not like y/n to be so moody and kept away; she's usually the one who won't shut up. It's almost time for dinner so I'll go see if she'll at least come out for some food. 

"Y/n?" I knocked on her door and waited for a response, but one never came. I knocked again, "y/n, dinner's ready. It's your favourite, (f/f)". 

Silence ...

"Sis, come on. You have to at least come out for some food" I said. 

"Go away Jay! You can try all you want but I'm not leaving this room" y/n replied. Had she been crying? Her voice cracked as she spoke and her throat sounded really hoarse. 

"Please, y/n, please. You need to eat" I pleaded.

"GO AWAY! I'm not hungry". I sighed in defeat and walked back to the dining room. I flopped into my chair and put my head in my hands. 

"She's not coming, huh?" Lloyd whispered. 

"I'm really worried about her. When she spoke, it sounded like she'd been crying" I explained. Nya sat next to me and gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze, trying to comfort me. 

Your POV (a few days later):

It's been around 4 days now since I had probably the worst day of my life. I was having a nice walk around Jumanakai village, when this strange woman came up to me and handed me a letter. I was going to question her but when I looked back up, she was gone. I saw the letter was addressed to me, so I opened it. I'm wishing now that I hadn't. It was a will from my birth parents. Turns out they had passed away in a recent car accident. I never even got the chance to say goodbye. I had only met with them a few times before but I still loved and cared for them; they were my parents after all. 

I ran home, locked myself in my room, and that's where I've been ever since. Everyone has tried to get me to come out and speak to them, but I just can't. I'm meant be a ninja, for crying out loud; I can't be weak. I can't let anybody see me like this, which is why I won't come out. I can't eat: I've lost my appetite. I can't sleep: my mind won't shut off. The only thing that has helped is my sketchbook; drawing my feelings down helps to release some of the pent up emotions. 

I go to grab the book but hear bangning from outside my room. "That's it y/n! This has gone on for too long! I'm coming in whether you like it or not". Great, it sounds like Jay is trying to break my door down. There's a few more bangs and now I don't have a door to my room. Jay ran over and immediately started to fuss over me. 

"Y/N! Oh my god, are you okay!?" he questioned. 

"Yeah, I'm fine" I answered, in a monotone voice. Jay stared at me with his signature 'are you kidding me look'. 

"You're fine?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. 

"Yup" I replied, popping the p and flopping onto my bed. Luckily for me, Jay followed. Yay! Note the sarcasm.

"Come on, y/n. You really think I can't tell when you lie? I know you're not okay; you've been locked in your room for 4 days now, with no eating, and no sleeping either by the looks of it" he rambled, concern flooding his features.  I look at Jay and roll my eyes before giving in. 

"Fine, you really want to know what's wrong? I am officially an orphan. I got a letter saying my birth parents have died in a recent car accident. I couldn't even say goodbye, Jay" I explained, my voice cracking slightly, "I- I don't know what to do anymore. It feels like there's a void in my chest where they should've been but now they're gone and- and they're never coming back!" I sobbed uncontrollably.

"Hey, hey, ssh, it's okay. You're gonna be just fine, I know it. You're one of the strongest people I know, nothing can ever fully break you. Y/n, you can get through anything, I believe in you. I know I wasn't here for you when it happened, but I'm here for you now and that's all that matters" Jay comforted. I snuggled into his chest and let silent tears fall down my cheeks. 

"It's okay, Jay. I'm the one who locked myself in here in the first place" I laughed quietly. I yawned and tried to get closer to my brother, resulting in him ruffling my hair and chuckling softly.

"Come on minum, you need sleep" Jay whispered, helping my under the duvet. 

"Thanks Jay. You're the best brother ever" I mumbled, slowly drifting off but making out one last thing before I fell asleep. 

"Anything for you y/n" 

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