chapter 2

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"I heard that the general manager of Riddle Corporation came to our school."
"Riddle Corporation?" Regina thought, 'It is San Joto's biggest corporation. Even my dad couldn't find a way to work with them. What is the guy from Riddle Corporation doing here? Invest in this poor school?¹
“No, I heard he came to pick up his sister."
"Pick up his sister?" Regina was stunned. "Are you sure about that? Why would someone from the Riddle family want to study at this goddamn school?"
While the two people were talking, behind them, the principal and a group of headteachers were accompanying a tall man and Nicole to walk out of the school.
"Regina, the tall man is the general manager of Riddle Corporation," her buddy said with a trembling voice.
Regina was astounded as she turned around. If that man was the general manager of Riddle Corporation, then the girl next to him should be his sister.
But that girl turned out to be Nicole, the bumpkin she hated and despised the most.
Regina's face changed drastically. She could not believe that Nicole was actually from the Riddle family.Regina was not in the same league as Nicole, both in looks and studies. She even did not expect that her family background, which she had always been proud of, was completely eclipsed by Nicole's, and this made her feel jealous to the extreme.
"Get in the car, Nicole." In full view of everyone, Sean helped Nicole open the car door like a gentleman as he looked at her with gentle eyes.
"He is so charming. If only I could have such a charming and rich brother."
"Yeah, I'm really envious of her."
Regina listened to the discussion with the jealousy and hatred in her surging like a stormy sea. So, she deliberately shouted, "What is there to be proud of? She is just a bumpkin. She thinks she can be a social elite overnight?”Nicole was about to get into the car and paused when she heard that. Now, even Sean’s eyes had darkened.
"What the hell are you talking about, Regina?” Ms.
Mills looked displeased.
Mr. Barrett recognized this daughter of a board member, but he still could not afford to offend the Riddles. He immediately rebuked Ms. Mills. "Is this the student council president you have appointed?"
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Nicole promptly fanned the flame. "Ms. Mills, the behavior of student cadres affects the school's image. The next time you select someone, select someone with a brain, not just someone who could pay you."
Ms. Mills did not expect Nicole to mention that she received monetary benefit by appointing the student council president. Right now, she felt a burning sensation on her face because of the humiliation.
When she removed Nicole and appointed Regina to be the student council president, she had gotten a green light from Mr. Barrett.
Seeing Nicole displeased, Sean glanced at Mr. Barrett and said in an icy voice, "You know what to do, Mr. Barrett."
Thinking back to how she had helped Regina look for trouble with Nicole all these days, Ms. Mills’ face turned pale immediately.
Mr. Barrett immediately scolded her, "Shame on you, Ms. Mills!" He then turned to Sea. "I will fire her immediately, Mr. Riddle."
Ms. Mills was dumbfounded. So did Regina, realizing that her position as the chairman that she bought with money had ended.
"Let’s go, Nicole." Sean pulled back his gaze, and his frosty expression instantly dissipated as he smiled at Nicole.
At first, Nicole just wanted to stir the pot a little to scare them, not expecting Sean to stand up for her. She now felt a little fonder of this strange brother.
It felt good to have a brother.
"Okay." Nicole got in the car, and Sean drove her and Mrs. Wallace Sr. away, leaving behind everyone looking in surprise and envy.
The Rolls-Royce soon arrived at Nicole's little house, where she and her grandmother lived together. Sean followed Nicole to pick up her luggage.

There were only a few things that Nicole had with her: a notebook, a school bag, and a few pieces of clothing.
"Less is more. When we get to San Joto, we will buy you new ones." Sean said thoughtfully, not wanting Nicole to overthink.
"I don’t like too many things," Nicole said while holding her grandma.
She had always been averse to trouble, so she liked it simple.
When the driver heard this, he was so shocked that his eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.

This is it for today meet you next time 😜🤠

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