chapter 13

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The botique manager was caught in the middle . "I'm sorry, the clothes in our botique are all handmade , and this dress  is a limited edition of the season, so there is only one piece."

Gloria was also in a predicament. But seeing that Nicole looked so gorgeous in that dress , she  could only say ," Norah, the other clothes in this store are also beautiful. Let's look at the other pieces ." She then asked botique manager to issue the bill and walked toward the cashier counter.

Norah almost stomped her feet in displeasure, but she could not loose her composure . Her mouth twitched as she squeezed a smile .

Nicole sneered .

She has never caused trouble,  but she would not run away when someone came looking for trouble . Whoever wanted to affront her , she would surely return the favor.

Nicole was not in hurry to change back in her clothes. Instead, she walked around the store in front of Norah in this dress and then turned to look at other clothes .

Sensing that Nicole would glow in every dress she wore , just like her , Gloria started to put anything beautiful on her .

Norah saw Gloria buy Nicole several outfits and followed suits, getting herself five to six sets . But Gloria, citing the facts that she had a lot of clothes , only bought two sets for her.

Norah's face was looking more & more cast down this afternoon. Seeing that Gloria had been holding Nicole's hand all day and refusing to let go , the fire of jealousy was about to burst out of her eyes .

" Mom, Norah? What are you doing here?"

A voice suddenly spoke .

Gloria turned her head and saw that it was her son,Steve. " What are you doing here?"
"We are here shopping. Steve, did you miss me today ?"

Seeing Steve, Norah rushed out and held Steve's hand, looking like they were very close .

Steve pulled Norah's hand off his, as he felt awkward when other people around . " Our company plans to invest in this mall , so I came to check out the situation with the person in charge here ."

Nicole heard from Daniel that her second brother , Steve, was a financial wizard.

" Hi, Steve", she said hello politely .

Just like sean, Steve inherited genes of his parents, born handsome. He looked extraordinary with a pair of gold rimmed glasses.

Seeing Nicole, Steve's eyes lit up." I just wondered how there was a beautiful girl around my mother. It turns out to be my little sister."

Nicole smirked, not expecting that this gentle looking brother of hers was a sweet talker.

Norah pouted , feeling not too happy . " You have never complimented me that way, Steve."

In more than a decade,  they have never been close . Steve could not help but freeze in place. But he quickly responded , saying , " you don't want me to state the obvious, Norah. You are equally beautiful."

This obviously sounded insincere. Afterall Norah looked much ordinary, there was actually a slight difference between her and The Riddles ."

"Nicole , I am quite busy these days and have no time to go home to see you. But I will bring you out to dinner when I am back in few days."

"Sure " Nicole nodded in agreement.

After saying hello , Steve got busy with his work. Gloria looked on with a smile at Steve and then looked back at Nicole with doting expression. "Steve's biggest hobby is to make money, and he is pretty stingy . Judging by his willingness to bring you out to dinner , I guess he values you a lot . "

These words just stirred Norah's jealousy even more .

Indeed Steve had not invited her to dinner in so many years. But he was so generous to Nicole when Nicole returned.

Was this the difference between non biological and biological sister? Why?

She was the sister who had lived with him under the same roof for over the years , for God sake.

This is it for today meet you next time 😜😁

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