chapter 15

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When Daniel coughed nervously, Gloria got the hint and hurriedly said, "Nicole ,you just came back,we haven't told you that your grandfather and Mr Johnston. Sr made a marriage contract for you Jared is your fiance."


What The Hell' ??

She had only been back to Riddle family for two days and had not even met all the family members . Yet here she met her fiance?

As cool as she was she couldn't stay calm. "Arranged marriage seriously Mom?don't you think this is too outrageous."

Who would still get married by arranged marriage nowadays?

"I know it is hard for you to accept but that was the practise during your grandfather's time," Daniel said helplessly. 

He and Gloria had also been worried about this before , but when they saw Jared was such a nice man , they hoped Nicole would find a husband like him.

Nicole's face turned pale, but Norah thought Nicole took things for granted. "Nicole I was supposed to marry Jared, but now since you have returned, I should return what is rightfully yours. You must not let down Grandpa."

Norah finally caught everyone's attention even Jared was now looking at her.

Norah saw Jared looking at her, her heart instantly pounding , her face blushed . She let out a smile like a fine lady .

Jared sized her up and said, "So she is the adopted daughter of the Riddle family?"

Jared emphasized the word 'adopted' when he spoke. It made  Norah feel like a basin of icy cold water pouring on her head .

This was the biggest thorn in her heart . Norah did not expect Jared to say it so directly . For a moment , the smile froze on her face . She did not want to admit it, but she could not deny it either . All she could do now was to bite her lip with a hurt feeling, her eyes reddening, looking as if she deserved pity.

Norah has known since she was child that she was not as outstanding as her parents and brothers in terms of looks , but being the only daughter of the family was her advantage.  Usually she just needed to use the victim card, and everyone would soften and not hurt her again . It was a trick that had always been working .

But Jared did not seem to buy this . He said indifferently, "I appreciate what our grandpas have done for us , but the times are different now . If you do not agree to this marriage,  you may also take this opportunity to cancel the arrangement with my grandpa."

It sounded matter of course to Jared,  as if it was just a weather chat  . But it completely stunned Daniel and Gloria.  "Cancel the marriage arrangement?"

Sorry for a very late update will update regularly now .
This is it for today meet you next time 🥳🎉

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