chapter 12

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Nobody is a saint . Facing their own daughter,who they had lost for many years , and the adopted daughter,who stayed with them and enjoyed a good life for many years, inevitably ,there will be favouritism and imbalance . What Mr. Riddle Sr. was trying to do was to protect both sides. He did not want to see the  relationship between the Riddle family and Norah of so many years end up breaking.

"Now I know." Sadness filled Gloria's eyes . The longer Norah stayed, the sadder everyone would be .

After lunch , Gloria brought Nicole to go shopping at the mall. Because Nicole had so few belongings. Gloria was afraid Nicole was being too considerate and stubborn , not wanting to request for anything . She did not want Nicole to feel unfairly treated.

Norah was also accompanying them. As soon as they entered the mall , Norah gleefully picked up bags and clothes as if she had forgotten entirely about what happened in the morning .

"Mom do you think I look good in this dress."

"Absolutely . Nicole why don't you pick some for yourself?" Gloria was still mindful of  what happened in the morning, afraid of neglecting Norah while snubbing Nicole. She has to keep a delicate balance.

Knowing that Gloria was caught between a rock and a hard place, Nicole asked Gloria to accompany Norah while she browse the clothes in the store by herself. She always liked things simple yet decent , but this botique that Norah had come to were selling flashy clothes.
So, Nicole just browsed for a short while and said ,"Mom I want to go somewhere else."

"You found nothing you like ? I think this one is not bad." Gloria immediately came over to show her a piece  of dress .

Norah was jealous that her mom went away as soon as Nicole called her . So , when she saw clothes in their hand ,she went over to them with a plan .

"Mom,this dress looks wonderful , but it's too expensive. Besides , not everyone will look good in it."

So, was Norah insinuating that she did not look good enough to wear that dress?

Nicole cocked an eyebrow and said,"I am not so fond of dress like this , but since you have said so , I have got to try it ."

"Okay,try it." Gloria's eyes lit up as she instinctively knew that this dress suited Nicole,so she hurriedly urged her.

Norah did not expect Nicole to say that, and she felt upset at the moment . This hillbilly really dared to try.

Nicole took the dress and disappeared into the fitting room. It was not long before she drew open the room curtain and appeared in this gorgeous dress.

She was used to just wearing pants that were convineint for her to move around. By wearing a dress suddenly, she felt naked.

Nicole usually dressed more casually, but thanks to her curvy body lines, she looked great , even smart, in t-shirts and pants . Changing into this white dress would not look weird , but make her look skin gelatinous and beautiful.

After letting her long hair down , Nicole and Gloria looked even more alike , so too their temperament.

"Young lady, you look beautiful in this dress"
"Many people have tried this dress , but none of them looked as good as you in this dress." The botique manager sounded flattery but it was true .

Gloria's eyes were also filled with elation." This dress it is. It couldn't look any better on you ."

Norah looked jealous,as much as surprised. " Mom, I like this too . can I try it."
She was the one raised in wealthy family. So she did not believe she would loose to a hillbilly.

This is it for today meet you next time 😉😄.

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