chapter 8

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Mr. Riddle Sr. nodded and looked at Nicole again. " I know that quality of education tn small towns is not ideal, but all my grandchildren are in top five of the grades in every exam. You can't let me down , you know?"

Seeing that Mr.Riddle Sr. cared so much about results, Nicole had no choice. "Don't worry grandpa."

She would not want to lose face herself, even if it was not  for him.

"Good girl." Seeing Nicole's confidence and decorum , Mr. Riddle Sr. was very happy . He ordered the family butler , "I will go back today, and in a few days , you are to take Nicole back to my house so everyone will have a  meal together."

Daniel and Gloria's face changed . "Dad.... Is that necessary?"

Mr. Riddle Sr. had four sons . The eldest son was the business wizard , the second was a buisness magnet , the third a banking giant. Only Daniel, because of poor health , had not been involved in the buisness of Riddle corporation, but moved out early to have his own life. So was the reason his relationship with three brothers was less close , and they rarely interacted with each other.

They would only head over to Mr .Riddle Sr.'s house during his birthday and festive seasons . Even then, every time they got together, Daniel and Gloria inevitably be taunted by the other three couples.

Gloria had had enough. Nicole's return was a good thing , but the thought of her daughter having to face these people with her made her feel bad .

" Dad is right. Nicole has just returned , and all family members need to get to know each other," Daniel said indifferently . "Besides , I plan to send Nicole to Royal Creak Institute , and  I need eldest brother's help."

The Royal Creak Institute,  divided into a university and a high school , was the most outstanding education Institution in San joto , and the quality of education was guaranteed . Just that the entry criteria was also high . Daniel wanted nothing less for his daughter, so he was adamant about getting her into Royal Creak Institute.

This is it for today meet you next time ☺️☺️

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