chapter 17

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"Then wait until grandpa gets better and I will come and pick you up." Jared said smiling politely at Nicole. 

Nicole nodded and said ,"Okay."

Norah watched and quietly cursed as Nicole rejected such a good marriage with few words. Not willing to let go, she glanced at Jared and thought of a plan.

After some pleasantries, Jared got up and left, refusing to let Daniel and Gloria see him out.

But Norah insisted and Daniel let her be . That was the least they could do.

Seeing Jared leave Daniel looked at Nicole with concern." Are you really going to back off from the engagement?"

Norah was looking forward to this marriage before this. But when Nicole returned Jared came to discuss the withdrawl of the engagement ,Nicole agreed to it,to their surprise.

They did not want to interfere with it, but they still felt that they were missing such an excellent man like Jared as their son in law . Nicole might regret it in the future .

"I am still young and studies are my priority ." Nicole made an excuse that was often seen on TV.

"Nicole is right . She is still young and will have more choices in the future." Gloria was relieved, and Daniel did not insist anymore.

Outside the door, Norah was seeing Jared out.

Jared now felt unfriendly, completely opposite of the gentleness and humility when he was taking inside .

But in order to achieve her goals Norah still plucked up enough courage and said,"Jared, my sister does not know any better. Please don't mind what she said for wanting to cancel the engagement."

Jared glanced sideways at Norah. "I don't mind."

Norah was not sure if it was illusion; Jared seemed to become even more unapproachable.

But there was only one chance, and Norah selectively ignored it, pretending to be shy and continued. "Actually, before my sister came back, I  was  your  fiancee .  Unfortunately it has all changed."

After hinting it so obviously,  Norah bowed her head shyly, waiting for Jared to respond. Yet, Jared's eyes suddenly darkened and his voice icy when he said, "Fish eyes can never be passed off as pearls. All things should return to their rightful places."

Norah's face turned pale.

Raising her head and looking at Jared again, she saw his frosty expression.  His icy gaze was so in-your-face, piercing into her heart and making her tremble.

Just then, the Johnston family driver had pulled the car up. Jared got into the car and instructed the driver to drive him off.

Norah slowly came out of her daze as she watched the car leave.

Was Jared ridiculing her as just a fish eye and Nicole was the pearl?

Why.... Why did these people discard her like garbage when Nicole returned ?

"It is all Nicole's fault!"

Had Nicole not returned, she would have always been the princess of the Riddle family, enjoying the wealth of her parents, the favour of her brothers, and Jared would have been hers .

Norah stared back at the door of the living room with an extremely sinster look in her eyes . She did not want to be sent away . She was not going to leave this family. Everything hers should rightly belong to her.

This is it for today guys . Meet you next time . 🥳 🤩

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