- Chapter 3 -

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We're now in our seats, Ophelia is happy because she has a hot dog and a drink. I'm not happy because I did in fact get a Twitter shout-out, thank god we weren't in our seats yet. I would have died of embarrassment. 

"The games starting." My friend, Lila is thirsty for hockey men. So she is unbelievably excited. For the men anyway.

The players are introduced and it's all fine until he comes out, Jax Hardy, Number 29. My birthday. He never changed his number.

"That's sad, the never changed his jersey number." Ophelia giggles.

"Some people don't I guess." I'm trying so hard to make light out of a bad situation, but surely he would have changed it? I would have.

"No, he still loves you." 

"If he loved me Lia, he wouldn't have left." What a way to make the evening better.

"Okay, I give up." She sits back in her seat and looks forward towards the ice.

I shake my head, this is why I didn't want to be here. Somehow whenever he is near something bad happens.

The first whistle is blown and the first period starts.

I'd be lying if I wasn't enjoying it, the game and the atmosphere. It brings me a sense of comfort which in reality shouldn't exist anymore.

"Your enjoying yourself, I knew you would." Ophelia smiles. "I can't believe for once I'm the one who told you so."

I laugh at what she's saying because she is right, I am really enjoying myself.

"Your right Lia." I smile at her.

Then it happens, Jax scored. On his first game too. The whole arena is flooded with cheers, I may not be screaming for him like i would have years ago but I am happy that he is doing well. Career-wise anyway.

He's noticed Ophelia apparently, I left during the first break to get a snack she went to another cafe to get a drink, an alcoholic drink I mean.

I don't know if he knows I'm here. For the both our sakes I hope he doesn't know.

He'll only question me at the rink on Thursday, which cannot happen. It'll be my last practice session before my competition. 


When the game finished I did make an effort to be in the first few people to be out, I didn't stay for the Player of the Match ceremony. The others did but I said I'd bring the car around for them so they didn't have to walk as far. Or get a fine.

"Who got it then?"

"You know who."

"Oh, Okay. Did everyone have fun at least?" I ask.

We all agreed that it was a good game and talked about how they played and stuff that people talk about after hockey games. Y'know bad plays, good plays, who scored, good passes and bad passes.

"Their new player is good though, Hardy I think?" Lila says, she is oblivious to our past. "He's okay, he only scored. No fighting, boring." Ophelia mutters from the back of the car. "I'm surprised that you didn't think about that Lil." I laugh, trying to remain as innocent as possible.

I focus on driving, the later and darker it gets the more anxious to drive. "Are you okay, Des? I know you don't like driving. I can switch with you, if you pulled over." 

"Absolutely not, you are drunk. Again." If my driving gives me anxiety, she has no chance. "I'm not drunk, what do mean?" Yeah, definitely drunk. Mamma mia it is.

"Go to sleep Lia." I sigh, tapping her arm so she sits back. "Whatever."

I won't be driving for much longer anyways, we're about 5 minutes out of campus and I'm going immediately to the rink for a late-night skate. I need it after today.

"Alright, I'm going to park up here. We're all going to walk." That results in groans from the group. "I'm not driving around here, there's no closer parking spots anyway."

We all say our goodbyes, except for Ophelia. Who in her drunk as fuck state clearly has questions. "Where are you going? The apartment is this way." She points towards the east side of campus. "I'm going to get some food, like Mcdonald's or something." 

"Get me a McFlurry please!" She begs, "Of course." I smile. 

"I'll be back in an hour and a half."

"For McDonald's? Okay." I'm glad she's somewhat gullible.


It's a 10 minute walk to the rink from campus, it's a calming experience since I always take the scenic route. Through the forest near the campus, probably not the safest place to walk at 9pm, but I didn't die so I'll take that as a win.

It's always quiet at the rink at this time, mainly because most people who come here are little kids and their parents or people my age that spend most of their time at frat parties.

I never picked up my skates from my apartment so I got stuck with rentals, y'know the plastic ones that crush the bottom of your feet. Yeah those ones, I also don't have any thick socks with me so I'm definitely going to have bad feet tomorrow.

It's so much harder to skate in rentals, they never sharpen the blades so they are really blunt. Not to mention they are hockey skates, I haven't used hockey skates since I first started learning to skate. I was about 4, even then I already had an order in for some figure skates.

I step on to the ice and immediately take a tumble and slip, thats so embarrassing.  Especially since I have grey sweatpants on so it actually looks like I've pissed myself. Sorry tmi?

Once I adjusted to the blades I started doing laps, just to warm myself up. I want to try spins just so I'm more prepped for the competition next weekend.

"What are you doing here?" 

"Jax? Why are you here, training isn't till tomorrow."

"I'm flattered when you know when we train." He snickers.

I sigh, "I train too, normally on the same day your team does. Your schedule is highly predictable." I look at my feet then look up at him again. He's sat on the sit of the rink looking straight at me.

"Why are you here, it's late." I ask.

"I could ask you the same thing?" he pauses, "It's half 9, don't you have school?"

"How did you know?" I started studying after he left maybe a year after. So I'm not sure how he knows.

"You make it obvious, you we're at that party. I didn't know you liked that thing now."

"I was there against my will, Ophelia begged me." I roll my eyes, I didn't know he saw me. 

He looks behind him for a second then looks at me again, "Can I join you?"

"Why? I'm practising."

"In rentals?"


"Did yours break? You would have never worn rentals before." He looks concerned, but he is obviously good at hiding how he feels.

"My skates are fine, I left them at home." I really need to get off the ice, my feet are killing and I can't stand being here any longer then I have to. Especially not now.

"You we're at the game, weren't you?" I look at him, "I saw Ophelia, I just figured."

"I wasn't at the game. I haven't been to a game for years." I lie, I'm still a bad liar so it wouldn't shock me if he saw right past my act.

"Sure you weren't, hope you enjoyed it." He smirks.

"I did actually."

"Good." He jumps off the wall and starts to walk towards the door.

"Hope you liked my jersey number, I think it's familiar to you." and then he walks away. Leaving me utterly confused.

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