- Chapter 15 -

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It's finals week, none stop exams and quite frankly I can't wait for the end of it. Personally I haven't enjoyed collage at all, I don't like parties and that's one of the main aspect of collage.

I want a proper job so badly, I want to not focus on school work anymore. I want to enjoy life a little more.

Jax has said if I wanted to drop out he would support me but in all honesty, I do want my own money. Like badly, I'm nearly there with my car too. Like a few hundred away.

But it is nearly my birthday so I'm excited to spend it with Jax somewhere nice, especially since it's now off-season. We've booked a vacation, we are going to Hawaii. I'm so excited, but I do need to go shopping badly.

I have a little studying to do first though, me and Celia are meeting up to shop and get coffee. I am looking forward to it, it's nice to have a close friend again.


Do I regret spending as much as I did today? Yes and no.

I will during winter, mainly because now my closet is stacked with summer clothes and literally no winter stuff. Apart from what I skate in.

I will definitely not regret it though, I'm going to look so good on the vacation. I will have to pay for extra baggage, but you know. Options are necessary.

Plus, retail therapy is an amazing source of expressing how I feel. My bank may hate me but I don't mind.

Skating is fun too, but shopping? Unreal.

"So, what did you get?"

When I walked through the door at home, Jax was in the kitchen making who knows what. "Too much, I think." He laughs at me and helps me with the bags, "You think?" He looks at the bags in my and his hands and laughs again.

"I definitely did get a lot, but it's worth it." Maybe.

"Want to take it upstairs."

"No, I wanna go through it dow here first. Just in case cause I can run out and replace it."

"Replace it? You've bought out the whole mall at this point." Is he wrong? No. Am I going to admit that? Nope.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch, I started in the Victoria's Secret bags. I spent a fortune in there, not surprising that store is expensive as fuck.

I sort through the bags, safe to say I made decent decision with most of the stuff, I just decided if I didn't like anything I'd just donate it because I had enough shit anyways.

I also spent a ton of money in bath and body works, I want to smell nice okay? Plus their hand creams are unreal.

"And done." I smile, I put my stuff bag in their bags and start to take some of it upstairs, "Did you actually get rid of anything?"

"A few things,  it's not like I don't like them, they just wont suit me."

"Okay, need help?" I shake my head at him and smile at him. "I've made some food, if you want it."

"Okay, thank you darling." I hug him and go upstairs. Now, I don't go to our room. Mainly because there is not enough room in the closet for everything. So, I'm keeping it in the spare room.

I put some of the bags in the closet, not enough room. Barely, only one bag had to go on the floor. We'll be packing soon anyway so it doesn't matter.


"What's up?" I ask him. "My mom is in town. She wants to stay here."

Now don't get me wrong, his mom is amazing. I love her but, as far as I know she doesn't know about us. And me living with him all of a sudden doesn't look very good for me, mainly because it looks like I rely on him to support me.

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