- Chapter 6 -

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"So he wants to be friends with you, nothing more." Ophelia asks, for the millionth time tonight. As if she's confirming what I've said again.

"I think so, surely." I respond. "Are you sure that's what he wants." She asks again.

"He knows we could never go back to the way we were." I sigh, "He apologised, he meant it I could tell."

"Jax apologised to you?" She responds, "He did, he gave me the reason he left too."

Jax apologised to me, half-assed but still he meant it. But his excuse? I don't buy it. He knew I would have given up my life in a heartbeat for him. Including skating, but I doubt I couldn't do it there. Rinks are all over the country.

Ophelia has been trying to read my face this whole time, as if she's trying to work something out that doesn't exist. My mom would do that when I was younger.

"What are you trying to look for, Ophelia?" I ask her. "I'm looking for your sanity. How would you trust him again?" 

"I don't know I just do, he have a lot of history." I say and get up for a glass of water. "Not an excuse, Des." she pauses, "You need to be careful with him, I don't want you getting heartbroken again."

"Jesus I'm not dating him again, we're just friends." she rolls her eyes, "That's what they all say"

"Okay, you can think that." I smile at her and then she leaves.

In all fairness she has every right to be concerned, its weird situation. We nearly got married, she was there for me when he left and now it's like in betraying her in a way. It could be worse we could be dating again. Would it be that bad though? Probably. I actually cannot think of anything worse right now. I want to focus on myself, especially before finals.

Then there's a knock at the door, It's probably Ophelia because she forgot our car key. Yes, our communal car. I open the door and then there he is.

"Jax? How did you find my apartment." I ask.

"I asked around, the door man." He laughs

"Motherfucker." I curse, he definitely heard me. "Anyways, what do you want."

"Let's go out." He says, bold to assume I didn't have somewhere to be. "Why?"

"Why not?" He says, "What if I have stuff to do?" He snickers at my response, "You, have something to do?"

"Fine you got me, come in. I need to find some decent shoes in Ophelia's closet" I let him walk past me into the kitchen and I close the door behind us.

"I'm sure that you have shoes." I look over at him from the hallway. "I do, but she steals them."

I find some nice shoes and slip them on, just some sneakers that i've probably had for years.

"Alright I'm ready, where are we going?"

"I don't know we could go to McDonald's first, then go wherever." Very tempting.

"Yes." I say firmly. 

"I knew you'd like that idea." He laughs, which shocks me that he even remembered. "Let's go!" I say excitedly and unlock the door. Jax follows behind me and I let him leave first. "Let me lock up and then we can go." I smile, I locked the door and we headed down the stairs.

"Do you still get the same order, just so when we get there I don't have to ask you."

"Do you actually remember my order?" That's shocking.

"Yeah, nuggets, fries and a Fanta. Right?" 

"Yes, oh my god. Your shocking me." He laughs


"That was fun!" I smile at him, "You didn't have to buy me anything though." We both look at the shopping bags, "I have too much money anyway, why not blow it." Ouch.

I go to my door to unlock it but it is already open. "That's odd." I say. "Has someone broken in?" Jax asks. "I hope not." I frown.

"Stay behind me." Jax says, "It's fine." I respond. "No, stay behind." 

"Okay, I'll stay behind you." I nod, he pushes the door open and the kitchen seems untouched. They probably went to our bedrooms if they broke in. They probably wouldn't have used the front door either.

"I don't know if anyone is here, Jax." I say.

"Let me look around, I don't want to leave you here alone with a robber." He signals for me to stay behind him so he doesn't leave me in a room on my own.

"Who's there?" Ophelia shouts from the bathroom.

"Fuck me." I curse, "it's just me Ophelia!" I yell out to her and I hear the shower turn off.

"I'll go get the bags from the hallway." Jax offers and goes to get them. "Is that him?" Ophelia asks, when she gets out the bathroom.

"Yeah we went out for the day." she's immediately suspicious and will definitely question me later.

"Here you go, I have to go but I'll see you on Friday." Jax hands me the bags, he is clearly in a rush so I didn't want to keep him. At least I didn't anyways.

"Jax." Ophelia says. "Hello Ophelia." This is like some sibling rivalry shit or something.

"Go on, you need to go don't you?" I ask him, he nods and leaves. 

"You two are like fucking siblings." I close the door and lock it, unlike someone.

"Well he pisses me off, look how much he spent on you." She scoffs after looking hard at the bags, "He's trying too hard to get back with you."

"Give it a break, please? He is just trying to be nice Lia." I respond. "No, I won't give a break. You can't honestly think this is a good idea. He doesn't want to be friends with you Des. He just wants to get in your pants. Trust me."

"Fuck off Ophelia, he is being nice for once. Accept it?" 

" No, you need to get it into your thick fucking skull that he can't be trusted." She sighs and shakes her head.

"Fuck you, I'm leaving." I turn to go to my bedroom and the stops me, "Where are you going really, you haven't got anyone else. There's only me. Your parents don't fucking love you so they won't take care of you. Don't get me started on that fucking asshole."

"You crossed the line Lia." I scorn. Shooting daggers at her, it hasn't hit her yet that what she said was fucked up. But honestly? I don't think she ever will. She never has.

"Honestly Desirae, I give up. I'll happily sit back and watch you get your heart broken again, I can't keep doing this shit with you."

"It's one guy! It's only ever been him. I can't with you. What am I to you a whore? I've only ever loved him, I've only ever cried over him." I pause to breath, "I cannot fucking stand you right now, how dare you?"

And that was the end of us, we were never friends again.


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