- Chapter 17 -

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So finals, I have two more tests then I'm completely done.

I'm about to go to one of them, this one I'm feeling pretty confident going in too, I did quite well in this topic this term so I have high hopes for myself.

I am grateful for where I am right now, I'm lucky to be where I am. If I went with my parents I wouldn't be where I am.

Let's put it this way, if I had gone with them. I would be uneducated, miserable and probably still single. I would have definitely been single, I'm far too picky when it comes to men. Thank God for Jax, I probably would have died being single if it wasn't for him.

I'm glad that I wont be in an exam hall ever again at the end of the week, that in itself is a relief. It's so stressful sitting an exam for 1 or 2 hours.

The artistry section of my degree is by far my favourite part, and in my opinion it is the easiest part. Which is why I'm confident.

Once I get into the exam hall, I'm hit by a cold breeze. You can tell it's a low budget school when they can't be assed to turn on the heating for one exam.

I sit down and get started, I have a specific prompt and have to complete the drawing. Which is why I like practicing stuff like this at home. It's stress-relieving and it helps with my development.

Preferably after collage, I'll get a job first then I want to start my own company. I can run that from where ever I am. So I can go with Jax, not like I plan my life surrounding him. But he is a major part of my life and I plan to be with him as long as we can.

That's why I plan to work my ass off this next week because I want to be happy and successful.


"What are you wearing on the flight?"  Celia asks, for context Jax has an away game and the team decided to rent out a plane so the players could bring someone with them. He chose me.

Here's the good part, Celia is coming. I was so excited when I heard. Not only do I get to be in LA with my boyfriend, I'll also be there with Celia.

"Something casual, Jax is wearing sweats and a shirt. I'm not going all out." I'll probably wear jeans and a sweater. "Same here, Mac isn't wearing anything too special."

I haven't fully met Mac yet, we've talked sure. That was before I knew Celia though, we met at the rink when Jax re-introduced me to everyone. I actually didn't know him before, he was a mid-season signing too.

Also we're going to a charity game, the season is over. But his team decided it would be a nice thing to do.

"What do you want to do when we get there?"

"Me and Jax are renting a car, we're going to extend our trip there for a week. Then we're going on our vacation." I look around the room to check if I missed anything, I want our suitcases ready. I hate rushing around last minute, especially before going to an airport.

"Okay, Desi. I got to go, see you later." Then she hangs up, to be fair we're supposed to be leaving now. "Jax! Are you ready?" I shout, I don't know where he is but I need help carrying these downstairs.

"Yes, I'm ready. Need help?" 

"Yes, please." I stand up and stretch my legs.

He picks up the suitcases easily, I don't know how cause mine is literally stuffed with my whole wardrobe.

I am definitely staring at him right now.

"I can feel you staring at me." He says, turning around to face me."

"And? Can I not look at my boyfriend?" I smile at him.

"You can." He smiles at me back then turns around and goes down the stairs. I pick up my starbucks off the dresser and go downstairs.

"We really need to go, we're going to be late." I say, he went to the kitchen to get something to eat. "I'm coming."

"I'll get us snacks at the airport." I offer and I open the door. He follows after me with the suitcases in his hands.

I make sure I lock the door, honestly it's become an inside don't that I can't lock doors. Clearly. I don't regret not locking the door though.


Once we got to the airport, we actually had to run to the terminal. Luckily we didn't park too far away from the doors so we could get there without having to get one of those buses.

Security is really stressful, I don't travel a lot anymore. Which I do regret I loved travelling when I was younger so I'm glad I'm hopefully back to doing it.

I put my liquid products into those stupid little bags, it's fucking irritating. 

We put our carry-ons into the trays for the scanners, I hate my stuff going through there. I get why they do it, I'm not bashing them for their reasons but, I always get anxious cause like what if someone steals my bag or my electronics. Like let me have my phone at least.

I take my stuff and wait for Jax to get his, one person always takes forever.

"Let's go, I'm hungry." I roll my eyes at him, I meant it when I said he acts like a 5 year old.

"I want starbucks." I say, I grab his hand and drag it toward duty-free. You best believe I'm getting a perfume cheaper then they normally are.

"How long do you plan on spending in here?"

"Enough time to buy a perfume, we have an hour before we need to be at the gate."

I did get a perfume in duty-free, I actually got 2. Then we got snacks, just to make Jax happy.

We started heading to the gate early, mainly because neither of us want to be late.

"I just want to you to that, there is going to be scouts at this game. Y'know from NHL teams." I stop us and get him to face me, "Really? That's amazing darling." I smile at him, I am really proud of him.

"Celia!" We both run up to each other and hug, we haven't seen each other in such a long time. 2 days.

"Hey!" She laughs as we hug.

Our poor boyfriends honestly, they aren't as close as we are and we made it our mission, that while we are in L.A we will make a bromance blossom in between them.

I will make it happen, one way or another.



Chapter 17 is done! I rewrote this chapter twice, I really didn't like how this chapter was going. So this is what I landed on.

Charity games at the end of the season are unusual, I get it but when I said they were going to an away game and then I thought of scouts being at the game.

It was the perfect opportunity. I want him to be in the NHL so badly, it'll be a prefect turning point in their story.

Have a good day lovlies!

-Cami <3

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