- Chapter 34 -

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I bought the dress, it's so perfect. We get married in two days, Jax is flying home tonight. We don't have tomorrow together, it's our bachelor/bachelorette parties. Safe to say I'm so fucking excited. I'm going to get drunk out of my head. Parties still aren't my thing but this time I'm celebrating me and him. That's why I'm getting drunk too.

Jax flight sets off in an hour, hopefully no delays. I'm not counting on it since the weather is shit. I've got Celia and Lila over, they stay over last night. They got close over the day and it makes me so happy. I'm glad my two best friends are close now especially since they didn't know each other.

"Stop tracking him, it won't speed up time." Lila says, taking my phone out of my hands and putting it on the coffee table. "What if the flight gets delayed." She gives me a bored look and Celia laughs at us.

"Don't you start to." I scold her, I'm trying to hold back my laughter, she can tell and keeps laughing. Which makes me laugh too. I love these two, I wish we lived closer but it's times like these that I really appreciate.

"Let's order some food!" Celia says, getting her phone from the side table.

"You don't even know any good places, how are you going to order?" I ask her. She rolls her eyes and loads up her ordering app. "Here give me it!" I reach over to her, trying to take her phone away. "Give me!" We're play fighting now, we're literally 22 and we're play fighting over food.

"Take it, take it!" She calls out in defeat, letting me sit back down comfortably. "So what are we thinking?" 

"Chinese?" Yes fucking please. Literally my favourite, "I love you." I tell Lila and order my meal immediately. I'm fucking predictable as shit. "Here, get whatever. I'll pay." Lila rolls her eyes, "No."

"Yes." I'm not playing this game with her.

"No." Fuck me. oh my days.


"Fine." Thank fuck.

"Thank you!" I smile at her sweetly and she gives me another bored look. "I'm done!" Celia calls out, this is going to break my bank swear down.

"How the fuck did you spend $30?" She smiles and shrugs her shoulders. We're eating good tonight I guess.


"Alright see you tomorrow morning, babes!" Celia is off to call Matt, literally for hours. She's pregnant though, he's constantly texting her.

"She's whipped." If only she knew, I'm more fucking whipped then her I swear. "Sure is, I'm happy for her though." She nods and helps me tidy up the food. We got a lot, safe to say I'm going to be so bloated for this wedding.

I don't mind, I'm happy and healthy. Apart from my leg but that doesn't matter. I just want to be married.

"I can't wait for tomorrow, I can't wait to drink." I roll my eyes at her, sure I'm excited to get absolutely pissed too but I want a nice night for everyone. Including Celia, since she can't drink. Poor girl. "I feel bad for Celia, she'll probably be the only sober one there."

"She's lucky though don't you think, I mean she's having a baby." Lila says, I shrug my shoulders, "I guess it depends on the person. She wasn't very happy when she came to see me."

Probably shouldn't have told her that, she's drinking anyway. She won't remember tomorrow. "Yeah, I guess so. She seems happy now though, right? You know her better then I do." 

"Yeah, absolutely." I smile, thinking about it. I'm glad she's happy now, she doesn't deserve anything less honestly. "Anyways, how you feeling about Friday?"

"I'm nervous, I think anyone would be. But I'm so happy, I really am." I miss him, so much. I really can't wait to see him. "I happy for you, Des." She says, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "Thank you, I'm glad you're here."

"How's Ophelia?" I ask her, honestly she seems a bit confused that I asked. I know they are still friends, maybe not as close but still friends.

"Uhm, when she found out you were engaged she was upset she didn't know, I told her. But she was glad she was wrong. Whatever that means." I do smile at that, I knew she'd be wrong. I knew that this would work, even if we weren't dating at the time. 

"I know." She seems confused but relieved, maybe because I'm not pissed at her for telling her. I'm not to be fair, I'm happy she knows. She deserves to, we might not be friends anymore but i'm glad she knows about us.

"What else, I've missed her y'know." She nods, she's known for a while. This is unlike us to be honest, we would have made up by now, if not months ago. "She's dating someone, I can't remember her name. But she speaks highly of her."

"I knew she'd find someone eventually." She struggled with dating for ages, she just could find her person. I knew she needed someone. I could set her up on dates but she'd never be happy. "Is she working?"

"Yeah, she's on a local radio station. It's not what she wanted but she's happy with it." I'm glad.

"I'm glad she's happy now." I think we needed this, to both develop at people. Because clearly we have.


This party is amazing, I'm not that drunk yet, I don't think anyways. I haven't counted how much we drank both at the airbnb we're renting and here. Lila is so drunk, she was dancing on tables but she got told off by security. Safe to say I was pissing myself with laughter.

She's been bitter about it all night, she wants to do it again. I'll warn her every now and then but she's stubborn, she's waiting for him to leave first. We'll probably bar hop by then.

It's late know though, Celia went back to her hotel. She needs rest, she's already sick and I won't push her. So it's me, Lila, some of my cousins and a few friends from college and high school. Mainly ones I haven't seen in years. I'm glad we decided to get married now, it's perfect everything is perfect.

Honestly, tomorrow is going to be one of the most exciting and fulfilling days of my life. Mainly because my mother and father wont be there. That's exciting in itself. No drama. My brother is coming though, I'm not phased by that he's not as bad as my sister. Plus I can see my nieces which is nice. I'll never pass the opportunity up.

I was considering letting him walk me down the aisle, he said he could if he wanted me to. He wasn't going to push it, honestly you'd think I'd have this sorted by now. I don't I'll be doing a lot tomorrow while I'm hungover. Fun.

I think I'll let him. Mainly so I don't have to walk alone or with a random person I forgot about while I'm hungover.

I'll tell him tomorrow, I just want to enjoy tonight.

I wont use the phrase my last night as a 'single' woman, because let's put it this way even when I was single I was still with him mentally. I could have never moved on and be fully satisfied with my life. It just wouldn't have worked, I'd probably end up divorced if I was with anyone else.

I feel like that's corny, sorry. It's true though. I'd never be able to make another person happy knowing I was and would still be in love with him.

I think he knows that, I know why he came back to New Jersey. He had other contracts he could have chosen, but he chose me. I would've done the same, every time.


Happy Monday (i'm kidding, monday is never happy </3)


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