- Chapter 10 -

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Yesterday. I haven't put much thought into it yet, mainly because I'll stress myself out. Since last night I have been actively avoiding him and avoiding the conversation we really need to have. I'll want to walk about it eventually, we need to figure us out. But for now I am more then happy to pretend it never happened.

"Do you need a lift?" Jax shouts from downstairs, he's already ready to go and there's no point making him late to wherever he had to be, "No, I'm okay!" I shout back. I heard the door open and shut, he locked the door behind him. I would have too, me and locking doors isn't something that go together.

I quickly get changed into something cozy, but also something I'd leave the house in. When I leave I made sure I locked the door. I wont be responsible for the house being broken into.

I decided to look around in the neighbourhood I've lived in for 2 weeks, I haven't really looked around. I know the have like a little street with shops on it, but no like high-street shops. Small businesses and stuff. I head straight to a soap shop, for some reason I love smelling nice soaps. Not like I can afford them or anything but it's nice to support small businesses every now and then.

"Can I help you with anything, dear?" There's an old lady behind the counter, she must own the shop. "No, I'm okay thank you!" I respond, smiling at her. You don't get things like this at malls. Now I actually have to buy something or I'll feel bad.

I end up coming out the shop having spent $70 on soap. Yes, on soap. 

I didn't want to spend anymore money today, but I saw a cute cafe and I had to stop by. I did get get a full meal, dessert and all.

After I had eaten I decided to go back to the house, when the front door is unlocked I have a little bit of anxiety because I was certain I locked it.

"Desi? Is that you?" Jax calls, he sounds really anxious and I respond straight away, "Yes! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine now, you scared me!"

"I wouldn't have run away, where did you think I had gone?" I ask.

He hesitates then responds, "I thought something had happened to you, like you got kidnapped or something."

I walk over to him and put my hands on his shoulders, "Your being awfully dramatic, no one would have kidnapped me." 

"Okay." He seems to have calmed down so I step away from him, "Are you okay now?"

"Yes, but we need to talk." We both knew it was coming, I don't think either of us want to. But we do need to, we can go on like this. "Okay, do you want to sit down first. Your still shaking, like a lot." I offer him, he takes the hint and sits down on the couch.

"You start, you kissed me." I sigh, I can tell he doesn't want to but, if he didn't want to have this conversation he wouldn't have kissed me. "Okay, I don't know why I did it. I just." He's trying to find the words and honestly so am I. "I just really missed you, and I've wanted to do it for a while."

"Honestly, if your asking me, I only want to know one thing. Do you regret it. Do you regret kissing me?" He looks at me deeply, for a moment. So quick you'd miss it if you'd blink. "No, I don't regret it."

"Okay, good." I smile at him, and kiss him. If doesn't regret it neither will I. I climb on top of him and we make out. Nothing more, just kissing passionately. This time, it doesn't feel wrong. This time, I can relax without wanting to leave.


"Desi, what is this? What are we doing?"

"What do you mean, we're friends." Liar, "We aren't friends, friends don't this in their spare time." I look at him, what a way to ruin the moment.

"What do you want to be Jax? Honestly." 

"You know what I want, Desi." I really do, but we can't. We really can't. "We can't, what if you leave again."

"I would never leave you again, I promise." I smile at him, but it was definitely half-assed. "How can you promise me that. Honestly?" 

"I want you to be my girlfriend again, Desirae." I don't answer, so he continues. "We've been here before, if this works your it for me. My forever." He says.

I hesitate before responding, "If we've been here before, why try again?" 

"You tried skating again, now look at you." He looks up at me patiently waiting for me to respond. "Okay."


Lovlies Heyy!! 

What did we think? They are back together again <3

Fuck slow burns, I hate that shit. Honestly though we are 10 chapters in. Which is mental,I never normally have enough motivation for this. Have a good day/night and I'll see y'all soon

-Cami <3

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