- Chapter 39 -

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TW: Topics of SA and Violence

Yesterday was hot. Trust me I'm not talking about the weather, it's freezing.

Jax however, that was hot. I mean he's always hot but holy. I can defend myself, I could've at the time. But fighting him for me, shit. He's fought on ice before, those were for no reason though. This time though, he was fighting for me, physically.

It did something to me when he stood up for me months ago, literally nearly a year ago. It's different, plus Carter started it, again. I don't think anyone's shocked.

It was a nasty check too, he could have easily got injured if he didn't see it coming. I'm glad he got most of the hits too, Carter got one maybe two. I don't really know, you can't see anything like that from where we were sitting.

All I know is that Jax literally has like one scratch and Carter's face is fucked. I may be a little cocky. Okay, I'm really cocky about it. Jax is only worse.

"What are you thinking about." He whispers against my neck, morning voice. He's trying to kill me. "Yesterday." He smirks slightly, what part of yesterday is he thinking about? "The fight."

"Hm, what about it?" I raise my eyebrows slightly, looking at him. "Why'd you do it? Honestly." There has to be something else to this, like I said it was nearly a year ago. I'm over it, sort of. "I don't want you to worry." Is that supposed to help, really?

"That's not helping." I sigh, wrapping my arms around him tighter. "Love, honestly. I don't want you to stress."

"Jax, please just tell me."

"He's been threatening me, you for months now." You've got to be kidding me. "Are you kidding? Why the hell would you keep that from me!" I whisper-yell, I really don't want Livia to wake up yet.

"The things he's saying about you, it's really, really disturbing. I didn't want you to see it."

"So hiding it was the better option? Where has that ever gotten us?" I sit up abruptly, moving my hands away from him. "Desi, please. I can show you if you really want me to, I thought it was best if you didn't know." He's not supposed to hide things from me, this isn't fair.

Why now? Why is Carter threatening us now, he could have been threatening me before we got back together. What's changed?

"Don't show me, tell me." I tell him, he looks hesitant. Whatever it is it must be bad, surely. "Please, don't try hold stuff in after this Desi." I nod at him and let him sit up next to me.

"He's said multiple things to me, about you, me and us together." Please get to the point.

"Please tell me."

"For months he's been telling me in detail how he's been watching you change, in our room. He's been telling me how he's going to touch you, by force if I wont back off." He stops, he's struggling and so am I. What the hell is wrong with him. I knew he was weird but that's something else.

"H-how's he been watching me?"

"He wouldn't tell me, he said he wants to keep watching. He said-" He's stopping constantly, choking on his words. I rest my hand on his arm, rubbing his arm slightly. It's hard to comfort him while I'm barely hanging on as is.

"He said that if I don't leave you, he'll send me the videos he's been taking. Then he said if I still don't leave he'll take you." I'm crying now, he's trying so hard not to.

How could he just take me? I have a life, I'm married I have a dog and a job. He couldn't take me and get away with it, surely. That's what I'm telling myself anyways, people get kidnapped no matter on what they have.

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