- Chapter 9 -

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Jax's team lost. He wasn't very happy when we got to the car, he was silent the whole time. Mainly because he blames himself for these types of things. So what are we doing? Going skating.

I suggested it, quite frankly I don't know why he said yes. If I was him I wouldn't want to but, it's Jax. He's awfully confusing at times.

He also hasn't seen my skates yet, not that it matters. He's still getting rent money that he never asked for. Honestly, I think he'll be more pissed I'm paying him.

When we got to the rink I immediately got out the car and ran around the the back of the car to get my skates out. "You didn't bring your skates with you? Did you leave them in the car." Jax asks.

"No I bought new ones, mine are fucked now." I complain, I reach into my purse to grab my money. "I also need to give you something." 

"Here!" I hand him the envelope with my 'rent' in it. He looks really concerned right now, it's quite funny, "No."

"Yes!" I respond, eager to give him this.

"I wont take your money, you need it more then I do." I sigh at him and shake my head, "I refuse to take it back." My hands are in fists, he will not give me it back.

"Fine, we'll blow it on shopping tomorrow." We both laugh and I shake my head at him, again. "Lets go, I need to skate right now." I grab his wrist and drag him into the rink. 

He pays for the two hour session and we head in, I take my shoes to the locker rooms. I switch to my skates and they will need to break in because they are a little tight.

"You okay? Need help." I've been struggling with my laces a bit, they are different to my old ones. "Please." I ask and he comes over.

He kneels in front of me and ties the too easily it makes me look quite stupid. "There you go." He smiles as the gets up and pulls me up.

We walk to the ice together, awkwardly. Now there was an unexplainable tension. I don't know what happened but it's weird.

He lets me step on first, I don't know why that was never a good decision cause I'm gripping the wall to save me at this point. Does he help me? Nope, he's too busy laughing.

"Help? Please?" I ask and he extends his arm out for me to grab. I take it gratefully as stay as close as I can to him. "Can you still stand up, Elle won't be very impressed." I frown at him and let go of his arm. 

"See, I can stand." I stand in place in front of him, there is no way I'm moving right now. It would be so embarrassing if I fell. "You going to stand this whole time?" He snickers, waiting for me to move. "Says you, your just watching me like the thirsty 13 year old boys." 

"Fine, fine I'll move." He skates around me. "Happy?" I laugh and nod.

"Your turn, try move." I shake my head, "I will, but I refuse to fall. Hold on to me." I hold out my hand for him to grab and he does.

"If you fall we're both going down, I wont be able to stay up." I glare at him, "Don't say that"

I start to move and trust me when I say I can't skate in these at all, I can hang on to Jax all I want but honestly it is not helpful.

"Hold on. I'm wobbling." We stop again, for the millionth time. "I think you need to let go of me." What a silly suggestion, "Let me think, no." Then he skates away from me. "Jax! Get your ass back here." I shout.

"No! Skate on your own." He shouts back. I wobble towards him, not very confidently. "Jax please!" I complain and he's skating away from me whenever I get close to him. Still crying with laughter.

Eventually after like half an hour I could skate normally again and do simple jumps and spins. "Thank god for that." I curse when I land a jump.

"You can do your job again, well done." Jax snickers and I skate over to him. I shush him and carry on practicing. "We should start getting ready to leave." He says, he snuck up behind me, startling me. "5 more minutes?" He rolls his eyes and nods.

"Come here! Practice spins with me." I grab his arm and drag him along the ice. "Practice spins? Why?"

"It's fun!" I say. I do a spin and Jax counts me going around 27 times. "I'm dizzy now." I fall into him and he catches me easily. "Thank you." I say, when I turn around to face him we are awfully close.

Like his face is literally inches from mine. I feel so nervous right now, I shouldn't I know him I trust him, sort of. So why do I feel so nervous.

Then he kisses me, and he means it. He's not rushing it, he's passionate. I don't push him away, I'm not against this. But it's wrong, we shouldn't be doing this. Not now, not again. But I don't pull away, I let him finish.

"Sorry." He says.

I'm hesitant for a second, I can't quite think about what to say to him yet. "Don't be." That's all I could say to him, we need to leave. I'll probably pass out right here, right now. I don't want 1 a concussion and 2 a massive lump on my head.

"Can we go, I want to go to bed." I say, definitely not making eye contact with him now. "Yes, let's go." I skate off first and he follows behind, he is keeping his distance which I do appreciate. 

I take my skates off and put them in my bag and put my boots back on.

"Come on. Let's go, I'll make you some food, if you want it?" 

"I'm okay, I'm just really tired." 

"Okay." He nods and lets me walk in front of him.

What the fuck, I think what happened is just hitting me now. I'll regret it more tomorrow.


Hey loves.

Sorry about the quickly ending slow-burn I was so desperate for SOMETHING to happen. Because there's no smut in this story this is probably something I could have saved this till later but honestly? I was dying to do this and have this chapter out there. Plus we're going to see a lot more about them and their past together and while they were apart.

Let me just say that both of them are 22 and they met in high school! So that's why Desi is in Uni and Jax is still in a lower league!  I promise I will show the transition to the NHL, I'm putting it off mainly because I don't know what team to put him in. Which is also why I haven't ever hinted to where they live. Mainly because I don't know and can't think.

Originally I was going to say Seattle, but in every hockey story on here it is set in Seattle. Then I thought of Canada which would work but my knowledge of Canadian teams is even more limited then American.

I may say Boston and go for the Bruins at first? I can see them moving in the future I'm not sure.

Have a good day/night <3


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