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Present Time

I held his jaw, snapping him out of his thoughts. "You good? You've been thinking for a long time." He pushed me off of him and left. I stood there pissed at my failed attempts of helping. But, this is what happens when you deal with Taiju Shiba. "Well fuck you too."

Taiju approached the house Hakkai and his sister lived in. He knocked with harsh fists, very impatient. Hakkai opened the door, swloly letting his brother inside, cautious.

Taiju pinned him against the wall as soon as he entered, which Hakkai was scared and confused. He expected this would happen. "You tell me what happened or I'll kill you." Hakkai swallowed a breath. "Mikey ordered us not to speak on it."

Taiju slapped the younger male. "I'm the brother, not Mikey! I direct and tell you what the fuck to do!" Hakkai nodded fearfully. He knew better not to defy him. "What's going on?" Yuzuha whispered, approaching the two. "Stay out of this." Taiju turned back, but she didn't back down. Her goal was to always protect her family, so she wouldn't let Taiju continue to tarnish it.

"Why are you hurting him?!" She raised her tone and Taiju stepped forward. Hakkai grabbed his shirt, realizing what he was about to do. "Don't worry about her! I'll tell you the answers." He whispered in his sister's defense. Taiju forcefully brought Hakkai out of the door, and threw him to the ground. "You tell me everything. If I find out you're lying I'll hurt you, and Yuzuha won't be there to save you."

He swallowed a breath. He didn't want his sister to be a victim any more. She always protected him, it was his time to do the same. "Y/N attended one of the meetings. She and Mikey argued, and she got upset. She shot at a window, and threw one of our members at it. She threatened to let him fall. You came in, but someone said something to her which added onto her anger. She ended up letting him fall, then you came toward her. You both were at the edge, so it was dangerous enough."

He sighed and exhaled a shaky breath. The upcoming part was the section he wasn't supposed to speak on. "Mikey gave you the order to push her. You did, but she brought you with her. Yall fell, but survived in a coma. Mikey ordered no one to talk about it because he feared Angel would find out." Taiju nodded at how ironic it was, but glad the truth set him at rest.

He returned to the apartment. A huge burden had been lifted off of his chest, but it left emptiness inside in its place. Unlocking the door, he was met with a stranger. "Who the fuck are you?" Taiju asked, pushing him away. Y/N appeared from the hallway looking tired, and the worst thought came to his mind. Taiju approached the laid-back female.

"What's going on."

"Nothin', just casual sex."

She looked at the body on the ground, then at Taiju. Blood stained his body, his clothes, and the floor. "Clean this shit up, including my floors." She spoke with an agitated sigh. Walking only a few steps, he grabbed her. "You bring someone over, letting him fuck you in my apartment?!"

What the fuck did it look like? She rolled her eyes. "We aren't even together. We had to put on an act. I don't belong to you." He laughed. "You're so right. You belong to the fucking streets. You might as well become a prostitute." I walked away without saying anything. The only reason I allowed him to claim me as his, was because of money. He paid me, but it was apart of a plan he had. It wasn't discussed with me, so I had no idea what his intentions were.

I locked myself in the room.

He stared at the unconscious body. Sitting on the counter, he emerged into thought. He was thinking about a woman he'd never have. For years it affected him. She never interacted with him in the first place, only if it was to her advantage. She loved him for his money and nothing else, even stating that she enjoyed using him. He wanted control over her.

He could abuse her all he wanted, but she would just ignore him for months which ate him away. He'd have to make it up to her by giving her money, as well as things she desired. He hated how that worked, but couldn't figure out why he loved her.

Maybe he would actually have to change his ways. He shook his head with disgust, the moment that thought came to mind. "Fuck that," He mumbled and hopped off the counter, heading to the back. He tried to open the bedroom door, to see it locked.

"Open the door, Y/N."

She ignored him which only made him pissed. He kicked the door down, a great amount of surprise washing over her. "What the fuck Taiju?" She looked at the door, then at him. He stood directly in front of her. "What do you want from me? What is the reason that me and you are living in the same apartment? I want to know how you feel, Y/N."

She laughed, wiping a tear. "Are you trying to get sentimental with me?" She felt a hand on her cheek, a slap. He held her jaw roughly in his hands, attempting to get a point across. "You only care for the money, don't you? That's the only logical explanation as to why you put up with me." She yawned."That and sex." She stood. "I'm not a whore, I don't sleep with just anybody. Wealthy status, people who I know are clean, people I observe. I'm always careful with sex.

The only person I don't use a condom with is you. I trust you don't get me pregnant. But that's not all Taiju, want to know something else?" She asked in a lower tone, a smirk appearing. "I know you want me, I know you crave a power over me." She stood up, their noses just inches apart.

"I don't want you, Taiju. I'd hurt you even more. This relationship is intimate, which I could use to break you. It's a deadly game, but how would you know? You have no experience." He pushed her down on the bed, hating that she was right. "Why don't we make a bet then?" She quirked a brow at the intriguing offer. "Why don't we get into another “relationship,” and let's see who catches feelings first."

She shook his hand.


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