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Angel and Y/N found out the truth two months later. Angel was mad at Mikey for a lenghty period, but it was Y/N who pressured Angel to forgive him. She didn't want them to be torn apart.
Y/N thought they were perfect for each other.

"So what exactly does she like?"
Mikey asked in a curious tone. He'd been trying the longest to get on her good side, but I was sick of him asking me questions. "If you're trying to get closer to her then just say that."

"I... I just want to do something for her." I rolled my eyes, knowing he wanted something else too. He wasn't too courageous to admit it. "You wanna see what's inside her pants?" Mikey shook his head and tried his best to fight back the blush that threatened to form. "I know all you and Taiju do is sex, but it doesn't count for–"

"We do not! Are you spying on us?! Who knew you were weird?!" Mikey scoffed. "Whatever."

He walked away, nonchalent. They were situated at the base, Mikey calling a meeting. Y/N wasn't yet a member, but during these times, she wanted to be  official. "Manjiro!"

She yelled down the hall, following him. Mikey was in it along with everyone else. "Why are you screaming?" Mikey asked, but I ignored his question. I jumped up on the table, everyone turning their heads toward me. "I'm a new member of Toman!"

She declared, proudly. "She's not!" Mikey added calmly, which I smacked my lips at. No one asked for his input. "I am, everyone will respect me!" Mikey rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. She said he was childish. She's childish as well, he thought.

Unexpectedly, Y/N was lifted from the table and thrown to the ground. "Taiju!" She screamed as her ankle twisted from the sudden impact. She turned to him with a deadly glare. "You're too weak to be in a gang." I scoffed, thinking about the times when I beat up almost everyone here.

"Weak? Fuck you!" She angrily walked out, not giving a care. She and Angel were forced into this life, so they might as well become members. Y/N leaned against the building.She exhaled harshly. "I'm not weak." She mumbled to herself, yet she had doubts.

Was it because she was a female? "So fucking what, I'm not strong like Taiju or Mikey, but I still rank high." She crossed her arms. Why was she so emotional about this? She slid down and took a seat, much annoyed. Strangely, she was in the mood to commit arson. A shadow appeared, so she looked up.

"Taiju," She looked as he took a seat next to her. She moved away, but he grabbed her and sat her in his lap. "Why are you upset? You're weak, admit it."

"I'm not... I don't care anymore." She admitted tiredly. She needed to focus her attention on something else. "Can you hold me?" She asked in a whisper. He wrapped his arms around her, placing his chin on her shoulder. "Manjiro knows you're capable of fighting. He just doesn't want you or Angel to get hurt." I lazily nodded.

Yeah, that's what they always say. "You've only fought within the gang, you haven't fought any rivals, you're not ready."

"Teach me how to fight then."

I looked to the ground in shame. "I remember once you had to protect me from someone. You ended up getting stabbed. You asked why I cried. I cried because I didn't want you to die, and I couldn't help you because I was weak. " He laughed and threw me off his lap, the sudden mood change startling me.

"Get away from me with that pussy shit." I looked at him with concern. Concern shifted into anger, because in my mind it's how he viewed me. I didn't want to be here as weak as I was, I just wanted to protect him.

"I care for you!"

"Good, and I care for your pussy." I looked at him with bafflement. Was he serious? Was he honestly serious. Sometimes, I wondered how I could put up with him. "Is pussy all you care about!?" I was tired of everyone. At this point, I wanted to disappear from society itself.

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