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"Insane, fuckin' insane." Angel muttered while she and Y/N snuck into Taiju's apartment. Both of them hid under the bed, waiting. "Angel, he made me suck his dick after letting some whore ride him!" I whisper-shouted, sighing. "Well that's too bad, I don't want to get hit by his big strong ass!" Y/N giggled, quickly hushing herself. She loved how Angel made jokes, they were just the funniest.

Under the bed for almost an hour, he finally came home. Both girls were deadly silent as they heard footsteps approach. The door finally opened, and they both began to have doubts. Angel peeked from under the bed with quick movements. She typed something on her phone, tapping Y/N.

The bed had dipped, which increased their  fear. Genuinely, they were surprised that he couldn't hear their hearts beating.
Angel looked at me, slowly rolling from underneath the bed. "Hi." Angel awkwardly said, alerting the male's attention.

"Who the hell are you?!" He stood up with clenched fists. He was about to swing, packed with adrenaline, which Angel began to panic to. "Angel?!" He asked. Her lips sealed tight when he pinned her against the wall. "Where is that bitch?"

Taiju whispered into her ear, which sent her quiet. He was terrifying, so terrifying that she could piss her pants from the amount of fear. "I dunno." She whispered, raised a hand. She slowly stroked his hair. 'What in the shit am I doing!'

"You have pretty hair." She said in a whisper. She had to find any way to distract him, and she would go to the extreme to do it. He went completely silent, making her nervous. He knelt down, Angel's blood running cold from inside. She quickly fell in front of the bed, blocking him.

He pushed her, but she didn't move an itch. "Fuck is your problem? I'll hurt you, you think I care that Manjiro claimed you as his?" She had to take action. No. Where was Y/N? Angel scoffed. "Don't tell me she's scared," Angel mumbled quietly to herself.

"Speak up or I'll rip your vocal cords from your throat. I'll make you watch in front of a mirror, dirty bitch." Angel stared him down daringly. He might have talked crazy to Y/N, but she wouldn't let him talk crazy to her. "Be quiet. You act like you're superior or something, I heard that Mikey beat your ass."

"You want to get bold with me? I'll show you what it's like to get bold." Angel muttered something, looking away. "I'm not getting bold, I'm just stating the facts. pathetic how someone as little as him can win, embarrassing if you ask me."

He laughed, but it wasn't a joke. She dug her own grave. Just as he was about to lay his hands on her, Y/N came about and stuck a needle into his neck. Taiju, out of reflex, hit Y/N and slammed her into a wall, almost breaking the window from the force.

She gasped as all air was knocked from her body, falling to the ground with a squeaky gasp. Angel quickly got the rope that was aside from her, pushing Taiju down. It was like he wasn't phased at all. He continued to fight, taking both of us down, and tying us both in the rope. Pathetic how he beat us at our own game. "What the hell is going on here?" He laughed in disappointment, yet the sick fucker was abused.

"So first you got this little bitch to distract me, while you sneak up behind me, attempting to drug me. How the fuck did you fail?!  I'd expect a crackhead to do better!

Angel glared at me, so I mouthed a little sorry. Taiju looked at Y/N with a pissed-off look. He knew that she had planned this.  "You upset because I told you that a bitch rode my dick?! You tried to kill me over something so petty, I'd expect more from my girl!" Taiju shook his head, pacing back and forth. "Then you got a little bitch on your side, this can't be real." He turned his attention to us.

"I can see it. Y/N, you can be a jealous brat sometimes. You take it too far." I rolled my eyes at his pathetic ass. He's saying I take it too far? He beats me over insignificant things. "You were the one who made me suck you after another girl rode you. How do you think I feel?!" He chuckled at my feelings, so I responded truthfully.

"During the time we faked our relationship, I had real feelings for you. Something that I know that you aren't capable of. You beat your siblings, you beat me, you beat women. What is wrong with you? It's a disgrace that you call yourself a Christian. God is righteously looking down on you with disgust."

"He's looking down on all of us with disgust. Not just me, but since you want to get sentimental with shit I'll tell you. I loved you, I still love you. I've told your bratty ass countless of times." He leaned against the wall.

"Do you remember the time when I choked you because you made me mad? I wanted to kill you, but I love you, so I decided to see you suffer instead." It was stupid, but my eyes softened each time I heard Taiju say the word. I know he loved me, I just hated the way he showed it. "I hate you but I love you, I hate that I love a woman like you."

Hearing his voice set tranquility within her. To her, it was the most beautiful sound to her ears. "I love you." She teared up, which made her embarrassed. Angel thought it was adorable, yet a little terrifying at the same time. She felt as if they were both psychopaths. He cackled, narrowing his eyes."You say you love me and I believe you, then you turn around and use me."

"We're both using each other. I use you for money, and you use me for my body. It's okay, because we love each other." She smiled. Nodding, he undid the rope and she jumped into his arms.

"Can someone untie me? You both have been making out for what, 10 minutes?!" Angel asked with annoyance. She was tired of hearing the sounds they created. They acted like they couldn't hear her, and to be honest, Angel thought it was true. She was just glad that he didn't tie the rope too tight. She easily slipped out with a confused yet satisfied sigh. "Damn, it was that easy?"

She stood up from the seat, her butt sore from how long she sat. Slowly turning toward the two, she glared. This ended shortly when she quickly turned away when she saw Y/N in her undergarments, and Taiju without a shirt. Angel felt a second hand embarrassment, leaving quickly. A few minutes after, it started. Angel could hear them from the living room, so when she got tired of hearing the sounds of sex, she stood outside.

Angel came in an hour later with cautious ears and eyes, heaving a blissful sigh when she didn't here anything. Slowly, ever so slowly, she crept toward the back and opened the door. A stupid move, but she wanted to make sure everything was okay.  She peaked in to see Y/N on her phone, and Taiju laying motionless on the bed.

Angel quickly scurried into the room and let out a sigh when she saw his chest moving up and down with rhythm. She thought Y/N was serious about killing him. "You okay?" Angel asked. Y/N nodded content. Angel noticed the girl's body questionably, but looked the other way without a word. "You act like you've never seen a girl with hickeys and bruises. Quit acting brand new." Angel rolled her eyes. They shifter over to Taiju's sleeping figure.

"How do you find him attractive? He's just so..." Angel asked with a light shudder. She always wondered what Y/N saw in him. "He is not ugly!" Y/N quickly defended, standing. "Of course you're going to defend the boy that you're madly in love with."

"Just like you'd defend Manjiros goofy ass."

"At least Mikey doesn't hit on women, and at least he isn't an abusive asshole." Angel countered smartly. "At this point, I don't care, because I love him, and he's perfect to me, even if it seems like we hate each other."

"You heard her." A sleepy voice alerted the two. They looked over towards Taiju, who an arm over his face. Angel rolled her eyes. Since when has he been up? "Eavesdropping much?" Angel asked, watching Taiju sit up. She hated him, and she would continue to hate. "My bitch will always defend me, even when I'm wrong. Its just like I'd do the same for her."

Angel knew he was lying, but she didn't appreciate the name he referred to her by. "Why don't you call her by her actual name instead of something that you call a dog." He ignored her, proceeding to stand to his feet. Walking toward Y/N, he wrapped his hands around her waist, eyes trained on Angel.

"I won't let you take her away from me. We know we're toxic, but we're for each other." Y/N smiled. Angel sighed, tired of their bullshit.

"Whatever floats your boat."

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