CHAPTER 6 -- -)゚。

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(ノ_<。)ヾ(' ▽ ' )

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(ノ_<。)ヾ(' ▽ ' )

---[little gift at the end !! ( 'ε' )]

When you were really just walking through the hallways you could really just hate everything you see. You couldn't help but seek the bright cheerful girl from 2 days ago who would just love everything, and look at you now, walking without a care for the world. Why was the way from chem class to physics so far anyway !??! 

I hate everything. 


When everyone was sat during the period, the teacher starts teaching random hard stuff and then marking them to be on the mid-term tests. From your point of view physics really wasn't that that hard, it just needs to take time for you to fully understand and carefully proceed to the  next steps. You'd either get an A- or a B+, above average scores basically.

You quickly scribbled down the important parts when the teacher was explaining. "Okay I have two questions here I want you to answer them for tomorrow, putting it as a homework" a student groaned and crouched his back.

 "Heyy, it's only 2 questions and they're not even that hard" the teacher reassured. You particularly liked your physics tutor, she's very calm and get things done easily, and on top of that not like other teachers, she would take things slowly when a student doesn't understand. 

You even remembered that time you were crying in the janitor's room because you failed your chemistry test and she literally opened the door for you and consoled you!??! You admired her a lot, you even thought that she'd be better working as a counselor.

The clock ringed and your classmates prided with joy, quickly putting their belongings into their bags. Just when you were about to leave the bustling classroom, "ah y/n! I'm really glad you did well on the quiz last time, I think you were the only one who did it seriously, most students were giving up and drew mr bean faces on the papers." she said in a hushed tone after calling for you. 

You couldn't help but feel giddy, you let out an awkward laugh and thanked her for the compliment. I swear she's the nicest teacher out of everyone in this damned high school.

You continued to walk out the class feeling happy about the quiz. The quiz was around 2 weeks ago and the teachers were too busy doing god-knows-what to score the papers. Nonetheless, you still feel happy that you managed to achieve a good score on physics. Physics.

Checking your next schedule which was English, you suddenly spotted Yanfei and quickly ran off to her. You approached her with a friendly hug and she could only respond with a soft chuckle. 

"Yanfei!! You couldn't believe this oh my god aaa" you quickly recalled the things you wanted to tell her. "What is it y/n??? You seem to be more cheerful tan you were this morning hahaha" she smiled. Unlike Hu Tao who reverberates her powerful aura, Yanfei was the one who really could just listen to all your ramblings and exchange meaningful replies whenever you feel the world's crushing over onto you. 

"So okay so, I got a nice score in the physics quiz I swore thought I hadn't done my best." You said grinning, she clapped her hands and gave you a small pat on your shoulder and said "That's really good for you, you know??" after a moment she continues, "Oh and has any of the teachers in your class periods today told you about the field trip?" 

You nod furiously "Yeah I've heard, and I also heard some people saying that we're going to be assigned in groups and people who lives in dorms will be in one team with their roommate? Is that true??" Yanfei hesitated, seeing her face grown like this you couldn't help but feeling disappointed. 

"Unfortunately that's true y/n.. My History teacher told us about that" she said with full politeness you couldn't even tell if she was talking to you or a government officer. 

You let out an exasperated sigh, "I'm sorry y/n about the scaramosh? was that his name??" you chuckled and corrected her that it was Scaramouche. You didn't even know why you felt like correcting someone's name you hate so much, but everytime when you're with Yanfei you couldn't help but feel a positive air around you. 

"I really just hope either you or Hu Tao could be my teammate at least," you sigh once again. "If it wasn't for the extremely expensive price of the dorm rent I would have lived with you y/n I swear" Yanfei encouraged.

She wasn't even lying, the school's dorm rent price was really expensive but I guess it gives the same quality as the price. You were able to live there because your house was pretty much a 2 hour drive from the school and your parents thought that by wasting money everyday for transportation it'd be better to waste it on the pricey dormitory. 

Yanfei glanced at her phone and hurriedly took your hand, "We should get going" You were surprised by her sudden action but then she showed the time on her phone and you profusely nodded and followed her to English class. While walking you thought of a schedule for the rest of the day, 

Today I'm going to eat at the dormitory cafeteria for dinner, and then I'll go back to your room and do my physics homework, and then..

avoid him by all chances. 

You couldn't help but feel burdened by having to deal with his presence from now on, and especially you know accurately you two will be teammates on the following date of the aquarium trip.


a/n: hi hello hi I made a playlist for this fic and thought of sharing with everyone reading this chapter. I had sm fun writing this fic even though I kinda forgot ab this for liek 2 weeks or so. Anyw thank you for reading this chapter ♡♡ (from my sincere heart)

playlist ::::

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