CHAPTER 14 („• ֊ •„)

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(ノ'ヮ')ノ*: ・゚

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(ノ'ヮ')ノ*: ・゚

It was a saturday morning and you prepped up for the morning jog with your friends. You didn't feel like wearing anything tight so you chose to go with an oversized tee and some trousers to go with it.

You filled up your bottle and saw that scaramouche's room was still dark so you thought you should just let him be. You pulled your hair into a ponytail and thought, should I just make a small letter for him?? 

Smiling to yourself, you took a small note and scribble down the following: 


hi scara and kuni I'm going out for a while for an exercise, don't miss me too much 

(⁀ᗢ⁀) ( sincerely yours, y/n )


You settled down the pen and picked up your belongings and locked the door behind you. The weather today was especially warm so you thought it'd go well with the desserts you'll get.

While walking down the stairs, you could already see yanfei's  blooming hair from around the corner when you approached her. She quickly noticed you and waved, "good morning y/n!" she smiled, "morning yanfei, " you say while stretching out your arms. "soo?? where are we headed to??" you ask lightly, "a few rounds in the park and then we're going to the shopping centre" she replied. 

Just the idea of you walking slow paces from the two energetic girls make you feel exhausted, but after all you were only there for dessert so you thought it wasn't that bad.  "lets go, h-tao is waiting near the bus stop" she said while walking a few steps forward, you could only nod and follow her. 

walking has always been dull for you, you'd either yawn or just slump your tortoise back down. "yanfei I can't do this naymore" you say exasperatedly, "y/n we're not even halfway there yet" she replied for you to just groan.

"y/n over here !!!!!" you heard an energetic sound just to be met by a certain full-of-life brunette girl waving her hands up in the frantic air for you. You were panting and sighing to yourself, "why am I even here in the first place???" you mumble. The girls in front of you started chatting and jogged ahead, you wanted to be like them but to your dismay you could never be.

You were never the person to like sports or anything healthy in general, the only exercise you get is your morning walk from your dorm and that's it. But I guess it wouldn't be that bad when you're going to feed yourself a bucket of ice cream at the end right ??

"can you guys please just slow down, I'm literally going to start seeing angels at this rate" you exhaustedly say.

Somehow you survived the walk. "cmon y/n you're so slow!!" hutao say as she opens the door for yanfei at the dessert stop, "okay sorry whatever" you sigh. Your body was finally met by the air-conditioner air which was very cold you shivered despite you being sweaty and stuff.

"I'll get the uh dilly abr and the sundae..... oh and another---" hutao's voice came ringing in and out your ears. By now your eyes couldn't even focus on a single thing, everything felt like a blur so you averted your eyes elsewhere. 

You were met by a familiar face across the shop you were in, is that the lumine girl?? you knitted your eyebrows as you tried to concentrate your vision. She really is very pretty, you thought. You noticed her walking towards your direction but you didn't really took account of it, wait she was walking toaward YOU?!?!?

"y/n hurry up what do you want??" hutao screamed at your name, and suddenly you were brough back to reality. Your cheeks flushed and started to stutter, "uh I'll just get a vanilla ice cream I guess??" you hurriedly say as you heard the door behind you open. 

"Oh lumine?? what are you doing here so early??" yanfei noticed the blonde girl behind you, "oh hi yanfei, didn't think you'd be here" she said while scanning the room, "and y/n also hutao? I was here to pick up some desserts for that damned ginger" she sighed.

Wait she knows my name?? How??? "oh haha you mean childe ??? I always forget you're dating that guy" yanfei said while showing a cheeky smile, "I'm not dating him yanfei.." she pouted, she noticed you were staring at them for too long, "you're y/n right?" she asked with her very gentle voice, you could only nod with your pink cheeks. "how do you know my name uhh lumine ??" you ask, while hutao was ordering the cashier guy behind you.

"oh haha sorry when we were at the field trip I couldn't help but overhearing your convo with scaramouche" she smiled warmly. ghod she's so pretty aaaaa, "haha yea I think I remember you" you laughed trying to hide the fact that you didn't waste 2 minutes figuring out if you should talk to her or not the very other day.

"guys get your orders pleasee youre best beloved hutao only has 2 hands with 10 fingers" hutao dramatically said, you and yanfei quickly came towards the counter and retrieved your orders. Lumine started to order some things at the ordering place (idk what u call it) and you said byebye to her alongside yanfei and hutao whilst exiting from the store. she waved back and continued to pick things on the menu.

You took your first bite of the vanilla ice cream and it tasted like heaven. It was so sweet and cold, just like any other normal ice cream, "y/n... remember we need to go back again to your other worldly dorm" yanfei said while pointing at you, hutao hummed and nodded profusely. "can't I just enjoy my uce cream??!?!" you groaned. The two laughed while you only could lick your ice cream hopelessly.


You were now walking towards your dorm with yanfei, she insisted on dropping you off and you couldn't do anything about it so here you were hand-in hand with her. "y/n have you heard about the new happy meals toy thing?? they're giving out sanrio toys and I want them sooo bad" yanfei said, you nodded

 "I know right???!? they're so cute aaaaaaaa, I want the my melody one but I'm too broke to buy a happy meal, and I don't get my allowance until like the end of this month" you sighed, you saw the designs on twitter about the happy meal and couldn't help but wanting one.

"oh wait isn't this your room?" yanfei said pointing out on a door, "wait yea hahahah" you awkwardly sigh and searched for your keys. "okay I guess this is where we part goodbye y/n!" yanfei said while waving her hand. "byee yanfei!" you said excitedly. 

You were now fumbling your keys in front of your own door, until the door finally opened. When you were inside you took off your sandals and you felt the slick sweat run down at the back of your spine. When you look up you found scara slouched on the couch with his legs up on the armrest. 

"what even is that position scara??" you ask half-heartedly while fixing your clothing. "you're back" he responded monotonely as he continued to scroll on his phone. You looked on the kitchen counter and realized the small note you left behind was not there, "did you"-- you run towards the counter, "did you take my note away ??? did you even read it???" you frowned. 

He fixed his position and sat while looking at you, "what? that corny 'don't miss me too much' note?? I threw it away" he said, maintaining his poker face. "oh my god how dare youu" you frowned even more, "I wrote it with blood tears and with my most precious heart you know ???" you whined. "that was so corny y/n.." -- "but I still wrote it for you kunikuzushi " you sighed and went to your room.

a/n : hi haha

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