CHAPTER 19.5 ^‿^

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(Im sorry if youre usinh dark mode 😥😥)( kuni's pov !!! )

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(Im sorry if youre usinh dark mode 😥😥)
( kuni's pov !!! )

I felt my arm getting pulled by childe as he walked into the balcony, he had another thing on his other hand and it looked like a can of soda. My foot stooped on the cold stone floored balcony and felt the wind gushed through my hair.

"what the fuck do you want from me you damned snezhnayan ginger.." he looked back at me and let go of my arm. Then he started smiling weirdly enough, what is this guy on.. "sooooo??? how's life with y/n scaraamouuuucheee??" he giddily smiled again. "figured you'd ask that actually"

The view from the balcony wasn't really admirable but it's better than nothing. The wind that night was supposedly cold since it's nearing the snowy season after all. I sighed and leaned on the metal railings and I heard him sit down on one of the chairs behind.

"are you not going to tell me ???" -- "why would I tell you out of every weirdos I meet in my life," why am I even associating with childe at this point.. "how about you and lumine ?? you've been together since I can remember" I heard him laugh, "weeeelll lumine really is pretty and would be an ideal girlfriend for me and I reaallly dooo love her, but I don't know, what she feels for me I mean" I tilt my head to his direction and see him wear a bit of a sad face. "never thought a loser like you would actually say some meaningful stuff"

"I'm being real right now ! I just doubt that she likes me romantically" hearing him say these things it seemed like he wanted a therapy session from me, in a balcony. "just confess your love to her, if she rejects you then that's that but if she accepts your feelings then that's that." he grumbled and closed his eyes shut, it looked like he was thinking. "why're you so emo maan???" he sighs. "what do you want me to say to you?? I'm being realistic here"

"then what if you confessed to y/n and she rejects you?? your small emo broken heart would uhh start deteriorating!" I turned my back facing him fully now. "why're you bringing up y/n now ?? it's not like I like her or something" he cheekily smiled, "umm sure you dooon't, I heard she's a cheerful girl and stuff like that around, which is completely the opposite of you" -- "what's your point" -- "uhhh opposites attract?" how I want to choke him to death right now.

"but you like her don't you?" he asked in a rather genuine tone, something I've heard multiple times in the past. "if I say I do what will you say?" I crossed my arms, the wind was blowing a little harder than before. "umm I'll make you two kiss !! hehehheehhedhshhehe" I frown at his response, "is this some kind of joke to you??" I sigh, I can't live on this stupidity anymore.

"so like, you like her right ???" -- "yes I do"

I don't even feel like playing games with this guy anymore, it won't go anywhere (he's been through hell because of childe). I felt his eyes widen and he seemed a bit shocked because I was never this direct with him. Then he smirked. This is nothing good. "ooooohh??? sooo youuu like y/nnnnnn?????" I want to bite his head off.

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