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It was a Thursday night and you specifically asked scaramouche or uh kunikuzushi for accompaniment that night. The teacher announced that there will be a chem quiz on the following week earlier that day and you knew if you didn't study from today you would be suffocating on the test.

So here you were sitting on the sofa table with glasses on and very messy hair tied up that looked like knots more like a ponytail. "Y/n you're turning into a horse at this point" he mocked as he flipped through the book. "Can't you at least lend me a hand on this last question??? It's so haaard" you glared at the last question. "We reviewed that multiple times just now y/n.. and I swear to fucking god if you still don't know the formula for magnesium citrate." at his words you froze.

You checked back to the previous numbers and saw that the magnesium citrate question was still empty, not empty but it was only filled with frustrated dots. "oh uh yea, " he sighed, "y/n are you actually a top grade student at this point" -- "yes I am.." you say meekly.

You looked up at him and saw that he was reviewing grammar books, "I never knew you study when not in school, " you bluntly let out, "I still care for my grades" -- "oh uh yea sure, "

A moment passed, "y'know if you have troubles with grammar you can always ask me" he met your eyes, "what? and be indebted to you again?? hell no" he reverted his eyes from you, "so you admit you struggle in grammar???" you asked, "no.." you kept staring,

"okay yes I struggle with grammar what is it??" he argued, "nothing, " you smiled slyly. He scoffed and resumed his reading, he felt your eyes linger on him, "do your work y/n" he said after a momentary pause.

Your smile grew even bigger, "okay okay"


"Look I'm done scarararararaa" you boastfully say as your hair bounced from the sudden action. "I hope that'll be a good one" he carefully took the practice paper from you. He carefully examined the answers and showed a small frown on a certain question. You saw him frown but decided to put on a mask.

"y/n.. the formula of magnesium citrate is C6H6MgO7,  not calcium and helium." you awkwardly laughed, he returned the paper to you and saw that he only marked that number, "at least there is progress" you scoffed.

"yes progress" he imitated, you quickly scribbled down the words he said earlier, he seemed to be stuck on grammar topic when you stared up again. "what topic is that?" -- "capitalization", you let out a muffled laugh still trying to hold the laugh, "can I laugh..?" -- "shut the fuck up" he said out of frustration.

Nonetheless you still laughed in the end, "how could you not know capitalization oh my god" you sarcastically say, "shut up y/n" he closed his eyes shut and you saw his ears grew pink. "can I at least teach you??" you say after a session of laughter, "no absolutely not, I cannot afford to teach you chemistry anymore with that pretty little mind of yours" he opened his eyes with a frown.

"you think my mind is pretty?? well uh thanks I guess but I'm not interested" you ironically stated, "uh no??" he argued back, "just let me teach you grammar damn it, I know it's hard to teach someone like me who does not care absolute shit on chemistry", he let out a forced sigh "fine whatever" he admitted at last.


His grammar textbook was filled with your annotations, you held up your my melody pink pen as you pointed out the things that need to be capitalized when making formal sentences and shit.

"so uh if you want to address someone's status you need to capitalize it but if the sentence already has their name you don't need to since you're already like capitalizing their name kinda thing" you say briefly, he only nodded. "You're a bad tutor y/n.." -- "shut up scara I'm doing my best" he somehow made peace with the nickname you call him, you were curious why ms yae had called him kunikuzushi but you didn't want to intervene with personal matters so you set yourself a boundary.

After a while of your rambling you finally asked him, "do you even get what I'm trying to explain???" -- "kinda ???", thank god. You finally straightened your posture and heard a few cracks from your spine.

You didn't really know what to do at this point so you leaned your back against the sofa. Seeing that he was immersed in your annotations you decided to leave him be and reread the notes he gave you earlier to copy. Since all was silent you decided to plug an earphone you brought with you alongside your mobile phone.

You inserted the right earphone and connected the bluetooth to your phone.

⌜ ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ᴺᵒʷ ᵖˡᵃʸᶦⁿᵍ; [ Lovers Rock ] 1:07 ——◦———— -3:33 ↠ ⌝

⌞ ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯ ⌟

He heard you adjust the earphones, "what are you listening to?" -- "oh uh lovers rock yea??" you looked at his eyes after lowering your gaze on the mobile phone. "oh that's cool" he monotonely replied and continued reading.

"what do you usually listen to scara??" you ask curiously lowering the books from your view, "why would I need to tell you??" he laughed underneath his breath, "just tell me damn it" you impulsively say. "I listen to keshi and cigarettes after sex" he blatantly say.

Him listening to keshi wouldn't be a surprise, but you didn't really see that coming. "you listen to keshi?!?!?" -- "uh yea?" his eyes hovered on yours. "what's wrong with it??", "oh uh nothing, I'd expected you to listen to weezer or something but that's okay I guess" you say as you picked up the notes you were reading.

He hummed to your response.

"nice music taste by the way" you added


a/n : kinda a short chapter to accompany the next chapter, I'm planning to make a oneshot for tmr bc it's valentines but I don't really know o(〒﹏〒)o

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