18 - I'm back

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It's been three weeks since Pete is gone. He said he'll return in a week but I havent seen him in his company. His dad still talks to me like earlier times so I guess he does not know anything.

'When is Pete coming back?'


'Kinn, I'm talking to you.'

'I don't really want to talk to you. You finished the work, you can leave now.'

'Don't forget who is the boss here. Know your limits.'

'First, you are not my boss. Second, I don't intend on answering any other thing apart from work.'

'Fuck off!'

'Thankyou for the time, wish you the same Sir.'

That fucking idiot. I know why he is talking to me like this. Apart from Mac only he knew about me and Pete. I really want to talk to Pete I hope he returns soon.

Dad has agreed to not send Macau Japan. He can finish his college from here only. But I have to get married quietly to Sam in return. A deal has been made. Mac, thankfully is totally unaware of it.

Truth to be told, I missed Pete. I miss him alot. I know he must not be able to sleep. His mental health was already shattered I damaged it more. The day he almost got kidnapped, I idea of losing him , when he told me that he got happy with the idea of dying, I haven't felt anyone anymore. I understand him and I felt he'll understand me as well, if I opened up. Which I never did, the casual teasing, I don't even remember when it turned into real feelings.

But I have to let him go. I don't plan on dragging him to my hell. I hope he stays happy. I hope he comes back soon.


It's been 3 weeks since I am returning to Bangkok. Ruby got married, and I met some of my friends, also managed the restaurant franchise that I had to work on. I delayed my trip to get a clear picture of my life. I needed some time alone and thankfully I feel better. Ruby's mom helped me as usual. Vegas called initially for 2 days, left texts saying he's sorry. But I really don't wanna talk to him anymore. I am not ready to have any conversation with him yet. I planned on staying there more but Dad needs me back in Thailand. So I had to head back. I hope I can still talk to Vegas formally. I'll not get manipulated anymore. Ruby's and dad's words are still in my mind. I'll work hard, and stay happy. I won't get affected by anyone.

'Dad, why you came yourself. You should have just sent someone to pick me up.'

'It's been so long I missed my son.'

'Dad stop being dramatic.' I teased him.

'Haha! Let's go home.'

'Dad, I want to know more, no actually I wanna know everything about our business. I have been overlooking few projects and underestimating others. I am gonna make you proud. Just wait and watch.'

'I'm already proud of you son. But what's gotten into you?'

'I talked to Ruby. She made me realise alot of things. I'm gonna be better. And you are gonna be better as well. We'll stay happy together.'

'Why are you making this old man tear up early in the morning. I don't want to put all the responsibilities in your shoulders. But If you willing to take my position, I'll be more than happy.'

'I never want to take your position. No one can. But I want to learn everything. Let's make use of my expensive degrees dad.' He laughed but his eyes it only show me care and love. Atleast I have dad by my side. I'm gonna be the best I have ever been.

Next whole week went in learning about all our investments. I don't know how dad manages this all so well.

Today was shareholders meetings. Dad suggested on introducing me as Vice President of the company. I have been working in a team of 10 till now as a branch manager who just returned after studying abroad. No one knew who I was except for Kinn. And I was nervous. Being infront of all these people is only giving me anxiety but i have to deal with it anyways.


I still don't know whether Pete has returned or not. I stopped trying. I'll let him live his way and won't interfere any longer. Yes I do have a soft corner for him but we just spent almost 2 months together. I'll get over him.

Today was shareholders half yearly meet, usually father visits it. But since the time I agreed to marry Sam and that media appearance he is pushing me to face big meetings myself. Even if Pete is back I can't see him there, he usually works in his small workplace along with his team. So I wasn't really expecting anything great.

'Hello everyone. Nice to see you all here. As you all can see this man is getting old. In future, I may step down from the position of President. Till that time i want you all to give the same respect and guidance to our company's new Vice President.'

I was dumbfounded. Pete entered through the door and every pair of eyes were on him. He looks confident and different. He was carrying aura with himself. He entered in a three piece suit, hair perfectly set like a true businessman. The innocent doe eyed Pete was not to be seen. He looked like a mature version of him. How can someone change so much in a month.

'Mr. Miang, is he your son?'

'Oh! He became so handsome.'

'When did he returned?'

Questions start coming from every corner of the room. All eyes were on Pete. I know how much Pete hated attention. But today was different. He was standing proudly and smiling.
Something changed in him. I cannot help but look at him. He hasn't seen me yet, I guess.

'Thankyou everyone. I am Pete, Mr. Miang's son. And I am totally here because of my father. He built this empire with your help. I am no one, but I aspire to be like him. I came here about 4 months back and since then I am working in the company as a branch manager. I was already looking into 3 projects, which are doing well till now. I hope you all accept me and provide me guidance just like my father. I will work hard and will try my level best to make this work just the way the father did. Though everything will be looked by him at the end. I am just an....' He looked at me, our eyes met. But he avoided it instantly. He must be hating me now. '.....employee, the power lies in his hand only.' He finished his speech.

Everyone was clapping, impressed by his charm. He was folding hand and bowing down with his dimple smile in front of all the members. Even though he looked changed,His humble nature was still prominent.

Pete is back finally. The next two chapters will be a bit longer. I'll try to update soon. Thank you for staying, reading and commenting! The next chapters will be better I promise.

Any guesses? What will happen next?

Keep Smiling... It will get better soon!🥰

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