3am Witching Hour

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Palma Richards was feeling tired and a little tipsy after a night of drinking wine with friends

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Palma Richards was feeling tired and a little tipsy after a night of drinking wine with friends. She stumbled into bed and quickly fell into a deep sleep. But at exactly 3am, Palma suddenly woke up paralyzed in her bed, unable to move a muscle. She tried to scream for help, but no sound escaped her lips. Suddenly, she saw a dark, phantom figure slowly crawl into her room. The figure was badly misshapen and its appearance was horrifying.

Palma watched in terror as the figure approached her bed and climbed onto it, crawling towards her. She could feel its weight on her chest and its breath on her face. Just as she thought she couldn't take it anymore, Palma finally managed to break the hold and let out a blood-curdling scream. The figure disappeared instantly.

Trembling with fear, Palma grabbed her phone and called her lover and best friend Laura. "Laura! Something just crawled into my bed! I couldn't move, I couldn't scream. I thought I was going to die."

Laura tried to calm Palma down. "Stay on the phone with me, I'm coming over right now."

As Palma waited for Laura to arrive, she heard strange noises coming from the other side of her room. She couldn't tell if they were footsteps or whispers, but they were getting closer. Suddenly, the lights in her room flickered and went out.

"Laura, the lights just went out! I can hear something moving around in the room. Please hurry!"

Laura arrived at Palma's apartment as fast as she could, but when she entered the room, Palma was nowhere to be found. All that was left was an empty bed and the scent of something terrible in the air. To this day, no one knows what happened to Palma Richards, but some say that on quiet nights, you can still hear her screams echoing through the darkness.

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