Ghostly Woman On Train

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Erika was exhausted as she made her way home from a double shift at The Crazy Fox

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Erika was exhausted as she made her way home from a double shift at The Crazy Fox. She had been working as a barmaid at the pub for months and was used to the late nights, but tonight felt different. As she boarded the London underground train, she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had been creeping up on her since she left work.

The train was empty, save for a few scattered passengers scattered along the carriage. Erika found a seat and tried to relax, but she couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. She kept glancing around the carriage, but everything seemed normal. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves.

As the train pulled out of the station, Erika heard a faint whispering. She opened her eyes and looked around, but no one was there. She shook her head, telling herself she was just imagining things. But the whispering persisted, growing louder and more distinct. Erika couldn't make out the words, but the voice was female, and it seemed to be coming from the seat behind her.

She turned around and looked, but the seat was empty. Erika's heart began to race as she realized that something was not right. She looked around the carriage, but the other passengers seemed oblivious to what was happening.

Erika tried to stand up, but her legs felt like lead. She was frozen in place, unable to move as the whispering grew louder and more urgent. Suddenly, she saw something out of the corner of her eye. In the seat behind her, a figure began to take shape. It was a woman, dressed in old-fashioned clothes, with long, dark hair. She had a pale, gaunt face, and her eyes were dark and empty.

The woman's lips began to move, and Erika could see that she was trying to say something. Erika could feel the cold emanating from the woman's body, and she knew that she was looking at a ghost. She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out.

The ghost continued to speak, her voice growing louder and more urgent, until finally, Erika could make out the words. "Help me," the ghost said. "Please, help me find my way home."

Erika tried to stand up again, but her legs were still weak. The ghost continued to speak, her voice growing louder and more urgent, until finally, Erika could make out the words.

"I will follow you, until you help me."

Erika was paralyzed with fear as the train pulled into her station. She tried to run, but her legs would not move. The ghost was still behind her, her voice growing louder and more urgent.

Erika finally managed to stand up, and she stumbled off the train and into the station. She looked back, but the ghost was gone. She was alone, but she knew that the ghost was still with her, watching her, and following her.

Erika never took the underground alone again, and she never worked a double shift at The Crazy Fox again. She quit her job and moved away, but she could never escape the ghost that had followed her home that night.


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