Road To Nowhere

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Bruce Conners was waiting outside Lilian Mavers' workplace, a large office building located in the heart of the city

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Bruce Conners was waiting outside Lilian Mavers' workplace, a large office building located in the heart of the city. He leaned against his car, the engine purring softly as he checked the time on his phone. It was late, and he was eager to get Lilian home.

As soon as Lilian appeared, he got out of the car to open the door for her. "Hey, beautiful," he said with a grin. "How was work?"

"Ugh, don't even get me started," Lilian replied with a groan. "I can't wait to get home and put my feet up."

Bruce chuckled as he started the car and pulled away from the curb. They had driven this route countless times before, but tonight there was a road closure that blocked their usual route home. Bruce took a detour, following a winding back road that led them deeper into the countryside.

As they drove, the trees grew thicker, their branches casting eerie shadows across the road. The only sound was the soft hum of the engine and the rustling of leaves in the wind.

"I don't like this," Lilian said, her voice barely above a whisper. "It feels like we're going nowhere."

Bruce put a reassuring hand on her knee. "Don't worry, babe. We'll be home soon."

But Lilian's unease only grew as they continued down the seemingly never-ending road. They passed by dilapidated houses, their windows boarded up and overgrown with ivy. And then they saw it – a figure walking along the side of the road. As they drew closer, the figure disappeared, only to reappear further down the road.

"What the hell was that?" Lilian asked, her voice trembling.

Bruce tried to play it cool. "Probably just some guy out for a walk. Nothing to worry about."

But as they drove on, the figure kept appearing and disappearing, each time closer to the car. Lilian's breathing grew shallower and her hands started to shake.

"Can we please turn around?" she pleaded.

But before Bruce could answer, they reached a bridge that spanned a small creek. As they drove onto the bridge, the figure appeared once more, this time standing in the middle of the road. It was a ghostly apparition, its features blurred and indistinct.

Lilian let out a blood-curdling scream, and Bruce slammed on the brakes

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Lilian let out a blood-curdling scream, and Bruce slammed on the brakes. They were trapped, with the ghostly figure blocking their path.

"What do we do?" Lilian asked, her eyes wide with fear.

"We have to face it," Bruce said, his voice firm. "Whatever it is, it can't hurt us."

With a deep breath, Bruce stepped out of the car and walked towards the ghostly figure. As he got closer, he could make out its features – a young woman, dressed in a white gown, with long dark hair that billowed in the wind.

"Who are you?" Bruce asked, his voice shaking.

The woman didn't answer. Instead, she pointed to the water below the bridge. Bruce looked down and saw something that made his blood run cold – a car, overturned and half-submerged in the water.

He turned back to the woman, but she had disappeared. As he walked back to the car, he saw that Lilian was now standing outside, tears streaming down her face.

"What did you see?" she asked.

Bruce told her what he had seen, and they both looked down at the water below the bridge. And then they saw it – a hand, reaching out from the water, grasping at the air.

They got back in the car and drove home in silence. Neither of them could shake the feeling of unease that lingered long after they had arrived at Lilian's apartment. They said their goodbyes, but neither of them slept well that night.

The next day, Bruce couldn't stop thinking about the ghostly figure they had encountered on the back road. He did some research and discovered that there had been a car accident on that bridge several years ago. A young woman had been driving home from a party when she lost control of her car and crashed into the creek below the bridge. She had drowned, and her body had never been found.

Bruce couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen her ghost, and that she had been trying to communicate with them. He knew he had to go back to the bridge and see if he could find any clues about what had happened to the young woman.

He drove back to the back road, but this time he was alone. As he approached the bridge, he saw the ghostly figure once more, standing on the side of the road. This time, however, she didn't disappear. She pointed down to the water again, and Bruce saw something that made his blood run cold.

There, in the water, not far from the bridge, he could see the outline of a car. He waded into the creek, and as he got closer, he could see that the car was still intact, though partially submerged.

He searched the car, and eventually he found what he was looking for – a purse, wedged under the passenger seat. He pulled it out and opened it, and inside he found the woman's driver's license.

Bruce knew he had found what he was looking for. He contacted the authorities and told them what he had found. They were able to identify the young woman, and finally give her family the closure they had been seeking for years.

From that day on, Bruce and Lilian avoided the back road, but they never forgot the eerie encounter they had had with the ghostly figure. They knew they had been touched by something otherworldly, and they knew that they would never forget the chilling feeling that lingered in the air on that dark and winding road.

 They knew they had been touched by something otherworldly, and they knew that they would never forget the chilling feeling that lingered in the air on that dark and winding road

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