Night Shift

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Doug Brennan had been hired to be the night security guard for the old abandoned asylum that was about to be remade into a hospital

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Doug Brennan had been hired to be the night security guard for the old abandoned asylum that was about to be remade into a hospital. It was his first night on the job and he was a bit nervous. He arrived at the building in the early evening and began his rounds, checking all the doors and windows to make sure they were secure.

As the night went on, Doug started to feel a bit uneasy. He had heard stories about the asylum and the strange phenomena that had occurred inside its walls. He tried to shake off the feeling and focus on his job, but he couldn't help but feel a chill in the air.

Suddenly, Doug heard a noise coming from one of the rooms. He cautiously opened the door and peered inside, but saw nothing. He was about to close the door when he heard a voice whispering his name. He quickly shut the door and ran back to the security desk, trying to make sense of what he had just heard.

He picked up the phone to call his supervisor and explain what had happened, but all he could do was stammer out a few words before his voice trailed off. After a few moments of silence, his supervisor finally spoke.

"Doug, it's alright. I know this place has a reputation, but it's nothing to be scared of. Just stay calm and do your job. Everything will be alright."

Doug nodded and hung up the phone, but he still couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled over him. He continued his rounds, but each time he passed a room, he heard more whispers, some of them calling his name.

Finally, he heard a loud bang coming from one of the rooms and he knew he had to investigate. He cautiously opened the door and saw a figure standing in the corner. It was a woman wearing a white gown, her face covered in a veil. Doug could feel his heart racing as he slowly backed out of the room, but the figure just stared at him with an eerie silence.

Doug ran back to the security desk and grabbed his phone, his hands shaking as he dialed his supervisor's number. He explained what he had seen, and his supervisor told him to stay put until morning.

Doug stayed at his post for the rest of the night, but he could still feel the presence of the woman in the white gown. As the sun rose, Doug breathed a sigh of relief, but he still couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching him.

He quickly finished his rounds and left the asylum, never looking back.

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