The Dead Keep A Vengeful Watch

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Nadia Hardings and Theresa Funnels shivered in the darkness of the storage depot

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Nadia Hardings and Theresa Funnels shivered in the darkness of the storage depot. They were searching through the belongings of their late friend Lilian Williams, looking for anything they could sell to make a bit of money.

Theresa fumbled in the dark, her flashlight beam casting eerie shadows on the walls. “I don’t know why you made me come here at midnight. It’s so creepy.”

“We had to come at night,” Nadia said in a hushed whisper. “If anyone sees us, we could get into serious trouble.”

Suddenly, the two women heard a strange noise—footsteps echoing down the long corridors. Nadia froze in place as the sound grew closer.

“What was that?” Theresa asked, her voice trembling.

Nadia shook her head. “I don’t know.”

The women held their breath, the only sound in the darkness was their own frightened breathing. Then, they heard a faint whispering. Nadia and Theresa huddled closer together, their hearts pounding.

“What’s happening?” Theresa asked.

Nadia shook her head. “I think it’s Lilian. She’s not happy with what we’re doing.”

Theresa nodded, her eyes wide with fear. “Let’s get out of here.”

But before they could move, they heard a loud scratching noise coming from the walls. Nadia and Theresa looked at each other in horror and ran for the exit.

The two women ran through the darkness, the sound of Lilian’s presence chasing them all the way. When they finally reached the exit, they looked back to see the walls of the storage unit shaking from the force of Lilian’s anger.

Nadia and Theresa ran towards the safety of the night, never looking back.

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