I am not crazy!

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Bakugo's POV:_

Me: Hag! I'm going for a walk! Don't wait up!

I pulled on my yellow raincoat and then my yellow boots. I saw my mom at the top of the stairs, a worried look evident on her face.

Mitsuki: Are you sure you don't want to just give up?

I stopped from picking up my duffel bag, I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

Me: I need to get some closure, I didn't have an imaginary friend. He. Was. Real.

My mom exhaled and gave me a hug.

Mitsuki: Just stay safe Katsuki, there's a storm outside.

I nodded and exited the house. I started my journey down to the beach. Not many people would pay attention to the 16-year-old teen who ran through the heavy rain. When I finally got to the beach I ran down the steps I've become familiar with over the last 12 years, it's been 9 since I last saw him. I remember playing with him, having him and his mother over for dinner. Our preschool graduation, us finding out our quirks. The first time his manifested.

I ran down the stairs and stabled myself as I stepped onto the sand. Taking out my flashlight I walked along the beach, keeping my face hidden from whoever might be as crazy as me to be out in a storm like this.

Me: Maybe the hag's right... I need to give up. He's probably not real...

I was about to walk back home when a wave crashed against the shore. My flashlight caught something that glittered with various shades of green. I walked closer to it and jumped back.

Is that a mermaid?!

My heart rate increased and I got closer once again, upon closer inspection, I noticed it was a him.

Me: Oi... OI! Are you dead?!

I kicked the thing and it MOVED.

Mermaid: Mmmmhh........

Me: OK, don't panic, but are you ok?

He sat up shakily, the wounds all over his body and the net with BLADES that was wrapped around his tail and ost of his upper body.

Mermaid: ... what the... where... huh?

Me: Look, you're at the Takoba beach in Musutafu.

Mermaid: Can you..ahm.. Can you please get these off me?

I noticed how close I am and jumped back, nearly falling over with how the wet sand moved under my weight.

Me: You might want to get out of that net, you can get hurt even more.

Mermaid: No shit sherlock. Tho I can't take them off myself... so do you mind helping me out?

Me: For a mermaid, you're really fucking rude. And I don't mind helping you, let me get my knife out.

Mermaid: And for a human who lives in the age of quirked people you are rude to call me a mermaid and not think of it as just another quirk.

Me: I do think it might be a quirk but at this point, I'm calling you a mermaid on purpose.

I looked through my bag and took out my Knife that has a case, it can be tied around the waist.

Mermaid: It is one.... And I would love to get back into the water before some crazy people come around and try to hunt me....

I looked at him with an unimpressed gaze.

Me: You don't know if I'm that kind of person...

I put on a pair of heavy duty gloves and start cutting the sharp net, careful to not give the mermaid anymore wounds.

Mermaid: Oh I do. I know you, you had the same spikey hair and these red eyes that I never saw on anyone else besides you.

I tensed and pulled my hood over my face even more and hurriedly cut the net even more. I finally finished and stuffed the net in a garbage bag to throw away. I handed the knife and it's case over to the mermaid.

Mermaid: Thank yo-

Me: What's your name?

I held the knife away from him staring into his extremely familiar jade eyes angrily.

Mermaid: Why so curious?

I rolled my eyes and placed the knife in his hand.

Me: You remind me of an old friend... Now, please make sure I don't see you in trouble again.

Mermaid: Will try and.... You may not be that far off with an old friend... Goodbye Kacchan~

I held onto his wrist before he can leave. He let out a pained noise and I tightened my grip.

Mermaid: Awww aww aww.... Careful now with your grip!

I flicked his forehead and rumaged through my bag, he gave a confused look as I found the thing I was looking for.

Mermaid: Want me to hit ya with my tail as well? Why are you stopping me from getting back to where I belong?

I flicked his forehead again and narrowly missed a tail to the head. I held out the tube and waited for his probably small fish brain to catch up with what I'm holding out for him.

Me: Waterproof ointment for you wounds... It's new so it will last long if you stay out of trouble.

Mermaid: And you are carrying it around with you why? I mean waterproof ointment is not something you carry around.

Rolling my eyes, I dropped another bag in his lap, it was waterproof and had things he might need. I got up and let him go.

Mermaid: Alright you are really being sus about right now... do I have to be worried about getting dragged off all of the sudden? Why are you even doing this for me?

I stayed silent and picked him up bridal style. He blushed and clutched the things I gave him to his chest.

Mermaid: HEY! I am a sea creature not one on land! So throw me back into the sea will ya!

I did just that, I walked away and waved not even looking at him.

Me: Just wanted to see you again Deku! Say goodbye next time!


I made my way home, a small smile on my face.

See, I'm not crazy.

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