A legend... but real!

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Izuku's POV:

One of my sharks brought the bottle Kacchan threw into the water to me. I was still under water and opening it up would mean to actually ruin it all and thankfully there was actually a small pen inside as well so all I had to do was get to the cave which had also some air space and stones inside it. I liked to use it as my home whenever I decided to actually sit somewhere like a human which was not as often but the stones there would be a perfect make shift table and that was also where I wrote the answer back. It was just something simple until I saw some sharks panickingly swimming towards me.

Me: What's up?

I am dumb...

I can't understand them.

Tho they want me to follow... alright...

I should send this to Kac-


Where is Blanche?

I looked at the sharks and counted them one by one but I couldn't see Blanche or another shark. Normally I had 7 of them around but right now there were just 5 panicking in here.

Me: Blanche!

Nothing came as an answer but these sharks were panicking even more as if to tell me that something was wrong with that favorite shark of mine.

Me: Alright ama follow you wait a bit,

Who knows what happened....

If there are these peoples then they might get me too....

Better note it down for Kacchan in case something happens.

Just like that I decided to actually draw a heart on the paper for no reasons really but also a PS. with a help note on it. I needed to tell him about the poachers and that was the only word that I wrote down besides help before putting the letter back into the bottle and make a shark throw it back to shore while I started to chase the other 4 sharks.


Please not him!

I won't let them take him!

I saw a boat and I could see my sharks in a net starting to get drawn up. Of course I was not helpless since I had a knife with me. People were throwing weird things into the ocean and so once I started to gain speed, I leaped out of the water with the grace of a dolphin and cut through the fisher net.


???: WHAT?!

???: There is a-

That was all I could hear before I saw sharp harpoons getting thrown into the water. It was a nightmare, I had to dodge them all quickly but I couldn't do that with how many they threw in and in the end one got my fin good.

Me: AHHHHH!!!!!

My sharks created and started to come closer to help me but I looked at them and shook my head. This was by far not a situation they could help and they knew it. So in the end, they all started to swim away.

Go get Kacchan!

I know you guys are intelligent!

Get him!

He will know what to do!


It hurt soo much as they were actually starting to pull me up. I could see my blood dying the water red and I tried to get it loose but it was only getting itself more into my flesh and skin. It hurt soo badly that I couldn't do anything else but scream.



Find me!

I have faith in you!

I am sure you are a hero!

I know it!

You always wanted to be one!

Help me!

Slowly but surely they started to pull me up and I was soo close on blacking out thanks to the wound I got but the noises were not making it any better. 

???: A freaking mermaid!

???: The legend is true!


???: What now?

???: WATER DUMBASS! Put the mermaid in water!


???: What about the sharks tho?

???: Leave them we got a bigger fish... literally..

???: Alright.

That was all I could hear before I really blacked out completely. My wound was bleeding and my head was spinning since I hit the surface of the ship a couple of times while they tried to pull me up and me struggling to get free in veins.

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