Lovers?! Oh never gonna let you go!

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Bakugo's POV:

I watched Aizawa and the other two leave the room, Izuku was leisurely making small waves and ripples in the water. I sat next to the tank on a cushion from the couch.

Me: Izuku, look at me.

Izuku: What?

He turned and glared at me, his normally round pupils were now slitted and his teeth were pointed. He looked like a predator and in other situations, I would find him hot but not now. He was obviously pissed at me.

Me: Sweetheart, is this about the leash thing? Or the Kirishima thing?

Izuku: I can't believe you would even give that shark wanna be a chance! Did you even properly look at the guy?!

He scratched the glass and ranted on and on, I was amused honestly, I didn't expect this rection, I've never given anyone else a second glance, I was aware of their actions, I just didn't care.

Izuku: KACCHAN! Not funny and I know you are enjoying this situation right now!

He threw his hands up in the air, flinging water everywhere. Sinking down to the bottom of the tank he turned from me and crossed his arms. I got up and tapped the glass.

Me: Izuku~ I'm sorry baby.

Izuku: just get me to the beach... i wanna swim around and relieve some anger... also that thing Nezu caught on to something... I don't like that thing. This is why I don't wanna stay here.

He swam up back to the surface and leaned over the glass and rushed out his words. I understood what he meant, Nezu is slightly unnerving.

Izuku: Can't you just take the healer to the beach? Ama get out of water when they are there I promise! Just please. . . You know I would never swim away from ya again... I would escape yes but I would come back as well. But I am not staying here! For sure.

I got close and placed a hand on his cheek, tenderly, I rubbed the barely visible scales there and kissed him softly. He gave me a smug smile and pulled me into the tank with him.

Izuku: No escape Kacchan! You're mine already and in case you didn't know... mermaids are pretty possessive.

I smmirked and played with his hair.

Me: I don't mind being your possession, you're the only person who can own me Izuku.

His face lost the sugness and he blushed brightly. Taking his face into my hands I placed my forehead on his and kissed his nose.

Me: Listen, I'll let you go alright, but I need you to make sure to come for the healing... I don't want you swimming around all injured like that.

Izuku: I promise, I'll stay close to the beach. You will find me immediately there. Not as if I could swim into deeper parts right now anyways... the current would kill me.

I held him close before getting out of the water. I looked around and saw my duffle bag in the corner of the room.

Me: I need to get that bag checked out... It just pops up!

Izuku laughed and pointed at my confused face.

Me: oh? And what are you laughing at?

Izuku: Why are you soo attached to the bag? I am sure you could get a new one.

I actually never thought about, why didn't I get rid of it? It just appeared one day and I never got rid of it...

Me: I actually don't know, it just appeared one day when I was thinking about getting a bag.

I looked through the bag and pulled out extra clothes.

Me: It just appears and gives me what I need at the moment. I guess I never really cared about that part, we live ina superhuman society after all.

Izuku: Huh... sounds weird but who am I to say anything with my mermaid thing going on and people forgetting me...

I nodded in agreement and took off my wet shirt, ignoring the sound Izuku made, I pulled on the dry one and then did the same for my sweats and underwear. Izuku piped up, his face red as he complained.

Me: Izuku, I'm pretty sure you've seen me naked before.

Izuku: IN A DAMN PRIVATE ROOM! But not in the office of a who knows what crazy chucky cheese demon!

I cackled and put away my clothes. Taking out a towel from the ever present duffel bag I helped Izuku dry off his skin, put on the hoodie from before and exited the locked room, noone was outside the door so I just walked out. Izuku squirmed in my arms and looked around, I didn't say anything, it has been over a decade since he's been on land.

An old lady: Oh sonny, you're so nice to your boyfriend.

Izuku: He's the best for a person who doesn't know how to walk around. He is perfect! A good catch I got myself!

I blushed as Izuku covered his face, the woman giggled and nodded.

Old lady: I wish you both happiness.

I looked down at him with an unimpressed glare.

Me(smug): So I'm your boyfriend now?

Izuku: After what you did in that room, you thought you could get out of it, huh?

Me: Oh no, I wouldn't dream of it!

I continued walking and talking to Izuku. When I finally got to the docks, it was empty, not even a dog was there. Izuku's eyes sparkled and he pointed out into the water. I saw a fin in the water and immediately knew who he was so happy to see.


Me: See, he is a sea dog.

Izuku pulled my hair and smacked my cheek softly.

Izuku: SHARK not Dog. A shark! A nice one too.

I laughed and nodded, the shark swam up close to the doc as Izuku took off the hoodie.

Me: Nice ass!

Izuku rolled his eyes and jumped in.

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