A quirk... really strange quirk....BUT Possessive AF

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Izuku's POV:

I was honestly soo happy that Kacchan was actually carrying me around because I was in the water for sooo long that I forgot how it is to actually walk again. Still I was glad that there was a small tank in the room but seeing the other people was quite a bit surprising.

Me: Sooo what ya wanna know?

Nezu: Well Midoriya, what is your quirk? That is if what you can do is a quirk...

Me: As you can see a mermaid attribute. I can swim and survive in the ocean as I did for soo many years. Any more need to explain?

Nezu: Naomasa, is he telling the truth?

Naomasa: Yes

Nezu: Hm, I see. Midoriya where are your parents? And what are their quirks?

Me: You really thought I would lie about this? And please drop the Midoriya just call me Izuku.

Nezu: I'm sorry Izuku.

Me: It's fine. Kacchan you know better where my mom is than me. As of her quirk... i think it was something about telekinesis.

Katsuki: Me- oh yeah... She's most likely at home, work or helping my hag calm down because she thinks I'm in danger.

Me: Anyway Nezu, right?

Nezu: Yes.

Me: I basically vanished for years soo I don't know much about this stuff just ask Kacchan here. This will get you more informations for sure.

Nezu: Oh well then Mr.Bakugou... I have my own queries about Izuku's quirk. As soon as I found about his quirk, I looked him up in the database for quirked individuals and he was nowhere to be found... Why's that?

Me: Ah late bloomer. I was told be quirkless at first but it changed....tho we did went to see a doctor at some point...

Katsuki: Yeah, he's right... Though the day Izuku disappeared... was the day everyone and I mean everyone, except me forgot he even existed.

Me: huh. . . Really? I thought they just stopped looking.

Katsuki: No... The day after I couldn't find you, I asked Auntie about you and she was confused and asked what did I mean she had a son..

Me: Weird. . . I didn't know about this. . . I don't think it has something to do with my quirk tho.

Nezu: Well, do you have any ideas?

Me: Nope.

Throughout the whole interview I didn't lie at all. There was really no reason to lie at all. However the last part was somewhat not completely true. I had a hunch but not quite an idea about it. My quirk was after all not just my fin and the ability to breath under water. I could have shark teeth and also quite sharp nails for hunting and I have a feeling that the whole forgetting story was a passive element of my quirk as well but I didn't want to have that real so I didn't tell anyone about this at all.


I wonder if that truth telling detector right there will pick that up.

It's not completely a lie that I don't have any ideas I just don't think or wanna believe it is like this.

It wouldn't make much sense why Kacchan didn't forget about me.

Ah it's complicated.

At least he didn't ask more about my quirk at the beginning.

Thank god we do understand different things about mermaids.

There were stories about mermaids being creatures that would lure sailors into the sea. They were described as people with a fish fin amd a beautiful voice. However there was also that saying about them being vicious creatures which could tear everything down into minutes, Apax predators to make it short.

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