Ohh Izu... if you only knew! <3

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Bakugo's POV

I held Izuku close as he trembled in my hold, I watched the way his face crumpled in pure ecstasy. Holding Izuku close I rubbed his back and his shoulders as he came down from his high.

When his breathing evened out, I kissed him and waited for him to give me his full attention.

Me: Are you ok love? Finally back?

Izuku: You did this intentionally Kacchan... I told you it's sensitive!

I hugged him closer, feeling his hands roam my chest and stomach.

Me: You started it Izuku. I only went along.

Izuku: Who said that! I was paying you back huge difference. Besides.... I couldn't get you to cum as well.....

I chuckled and breathed in his sea salt scent. I guess all the years he spent at sea made this his permanent scent.

Me: Izuku you love to make that your answer huh? And don't worry about me, you're the one in an unfamiliar place.

Izuku: Yes and one day I will.

I snickered and pecked him.

Me: At least take me on a date first Izuku.

Izuku: Says the one who just did that and making me a mess.... Touche huh.

I was genuinely confused.

Me: Did what?

He gave me an unimpressed glare and flicked my forehead.

Izuku: You know what I mean.... But I am too tired  for this...

I moved and put him princess style in my lap, making sure his wrapped injuries outside the tub. He laid his head on my chest and pulled me close.

Izuku: Sorry to say this... you stole all the energy I had... I need a rest.

Me: You sound like you're dying. Get some sleep, I'll stay right here don't worry.

Izuku: No just on cloud 9 and over the moon that's all... (whispering) Still can feel it... I really need a rest.

Kissing all over his face, Izuku tried to push me away but smiled when I didn't stop.

Me: Just sleep, I'm happy just having you in my arms like this... If I catch a cold, it'll be worth it.

Izuku: Mhhhh.....*light sleeping noises*

I watched Izuku sleep and played with his hair, the green tufts fluffed with every touch, when I rake my fingers through them it makes Izuku's face scrunch up in a different way each time. I could count his freckles all day, his nose was just adorable.

I continued staring at Izuku. A thought came to me.

If my mom is there when we get back,

Will she remember Izuku?

Will aunty Inko be with her?

And would she remember Izuku if she sees him?

Will it be the same for the hag?

I sat back in the tub and looked outside, the ocean was vast and I can see the sharks outside, swimming next to the ship.


I get off the ship and readjusted my hold on Izuku and walked off the ship. Kirishima was right behind me, I normally would ignore his presence but the way he kept following me seemed to annoy Izuku. He turned around and glared at him.

Izuku: Do you have a crush on my Dandelion or something?

Kirishima: No, I don't like Bakugou. He's like a brother to me!

Izuku: Says the one blushing right now.

I had to agree with Izuku, I knew he liked me but I've made it abundantly clear that I don't like anyone in our class in a romantic sense. I barely tolerate some of the other assholes. I turned my head and looked at him.

Me: Y'know, he's right. You can't hide it well...

He sputtered and choked, his face so dangerously red it competed with his vibrant hair. Izuku snickered and wrapped his arms around my neck and dragged his nose up my neck. I felt him smile and kiss under my ear tenderly.

Izuku: If you only knew how passionate this Dandelion can be while lost in the land of lust. Tho it's all mine!

Kirishima, whose face had lost some of the redness got even redder than before. I didn't think that was possible. I smiled smugly and continued on walking.

Me(smugly): You heard Izuku, I'm his.

I stood and waited for Aizawa to come down from off the ship. He told me to follow him, I did so while also shielding Izuku from the sun. He was playing with the hair on the back of my neck and I would be lying if I said it didn't feel good.

Aizawa: We're here. Nezu wanted to speak with Midoriya. A tank is in there too so he can be as comfortable as possible. Be warned your parents will be there as well, since we can't separate you two and we can't question a minor without their parents or guardian present since this is not a interview for crime then you would have been interviewed by yourself.

I nodded and Aizawa opened the door and went in he told us to wait outside a bolted metal door. He opened it and went inside. The door slammed shut and locked itself.

Izuku: What you think the questions will be about?

Me; I don't know what they'll ask you about Izuku.

Izuku: Come on... you sure have some ideas, right?

Me: Any ideas for the questions? Well they'll most likely ask about your quirk... Other than that, I don't know.

Izuku: *sigh* not helping much there.

Me: I'm sorry for not providing you with more information.

Izuku: It's fine. I was teasing ya.

I smiled and kissed his cheek, the same time the door creaked open and Aizawa peeked out.

Aizawa: Nezu and the detective are ready to talk to you now.

Me: The detective?

Aizawa: To make sure you don't lie.

I nodded and held Izuku close. I followed Aizawa and entered, Nezu smiled when he saw Izuku.

Nezu: Welcome Midoriya, Bakugou. Please have a seat and feel free to put Izuku in the tank next to the couch.

I nodded and put Izuku on the ground, He handed me my Hoodie and went in the water. When he resurfaced he smiled at me.

Izuku: This is sooo much better. Thanks!

Me: You look as stunning as always Izuku.

Aizawa(clearing his throat): Well shall we start? 

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