Zenosyne,, 6

737 36 0

Zenosyne; the sense that time keeps moving faster.

Kenma felt as though this was happening more and more, a week passing since he's met his soulmate. He's found himself laughing more, talking more than he's used to, and forgiving M/n faster than he should've after growing frustrated.

He knows he shouldn't get attached. After all, if he starts hating this soulmate thing as much as he did a week ago (he still hates it), he'd end up hurting himself, and shattering M/n.

Kenma could tell he was getting attached, in fact, they both were. One a little more enthusiastically than the other. Kenma's heart ached for you in the way it usually does for a soulmate, and he couldn't help it no matter how bad he tried. After growing a little but closer to you, as much as he allowed himself to, he longs for you more and more.

You on the other hand, were absolutely ecstatic. Kenma was everything you could've hoped for and more. He was straightforward, fine as HELL, interesting, and he never failed to make you laugh with his reactions. In fact, you were always talking about him, excitedly sharing to your friends about what Kenma did, how he laughed, how many times he rolled his eyes at you, anyone could tell you were smitten already.

And yet, as time seemed to fly by when you were with him, it couldn't go any slower when you weren't.

You tapped your pencil against your desk boredly, tapping your foot against the floor, and staring at the back of the persons head in front of you.


"Pssst, M/n."


"Ahem." The teacher cleared their throat, doing an obnoxious 'I'll wait' gesture.

"Sorry." Akaashi replied, immediately looking back down to his desk. You looked at them through your peripheral vision, holding a finger up to signal 'one minute' when they looked your way.

"So what did you need?" You asked once the lunch bell rang.

"Wha' do you mean?" Your cousin asked, already pulling out their 5 course meal lunch box.

"During class??"

"Ohh, yeah, I was wonderin' if you wanted to go to the mall after school."

"That couldn't wait?" You asked him with a sneer.

"I was afraid i'd forget, which I did for a minute."

You huffed out air, sitting on top of your desk, propping your feet up on his legs before they swatted them away in disgust. "Can't." You answered swiftly, leaning over to steal a piece of food from their box.

"Ok, don't do that again, thanks. And why can't you? You have no friends." They said, tilting their food away from you.

You grinned excitedly, swinging your feet lightly. "My soulmate! We set a time to sleep either 'cause I wanted to see him, I just hope he doesn't bail, he's not really, how do I put this.."

"Into you?" Akaashi asked, staring at you with lidded eyes, borderline bored from listening to you.

"Well I wouldn't say that!.. But yes." You said, hanging your head in shame. Akaashi just grinned, slapping your thigh. "Don't worry! Everyone loves you, it's only a matter of time before he's kissing you every chance he can get!"

"That hurt.." You muttered, hiding a small grin. Your cousin could be nice when he wanted to be.

a/n; i am a HUGE fan of cute, he/they akaashi supremacy. argue with the wall. but two updates in one day ⁉️ who am i, stephen king? love all you sweethearts supporting me 💋

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