Spellbound,, 11

706 37 8

Spellbound; to hold the complete attention of someone, as though by magic. 

You were stunned. Ken was right there. You didn't know how to react, your voice caught in your throat, body unable to move under the shock and pressure.

You didn't know if you should hide, act like you didn't see him, or approach him. I mean, would he be angry if you said something? Would it be better to act like you never knew?

You saw, felt, and heard him everyday, sure, but this was different. So much different. You would know so much more about him, hold him more, become more.

'Would our relationship change if i went up to him? Would it be for better, or for worse?' Your mind took you everywhere, through every possibility. Soulmates didn't meet often enough for you to be this hesitant but this situation was complicated as hell!

"M/n." Your cousin snapped his fingers in front of your face with furrowed eyebrows, leading you to slowly look away from where Kenma stood messing with his nails as he always did, making you realize everyones attention was on you.

"Wh-what?" You stammered, continue taking glances over to your literal soulmate.

"We were trying to introduce you 'nd you went all unresponsive. You okay?" Bokuto inquired, bending over to be at your height.

"Oh!" You gasped, quickly standing up, almost hitting Bokuto in the head making him stumble back. Reaching your hand out, you shook the hands of Kuroo and the other teams coach, introducing yourself and bowing lightly.

"He's not a player?" Kuroo asked studying you, while you just shook your head.

"I'm an okay height, but i'm not fit for sports." Waving your hand dismissively before stuffing them in your pant pockets.

"Ahhh, well our setter, Ken-" Your eyes widened a large fraction, taking a step back as the black haired captain started calling the exact person you wished he wouldn't over to you.  You stood horribly still with a face flushed of any color, hoping that like a wild animal, he would just ignore you. "He's not really built for sports but we- are you okay?" He said, stopping in his sentence again, looking to the object of your stare, a male also frozen in his tracks.

The people around the both of you backed up slowly with confused faces, wondering if the two of you just froze like a broken video game character.

"....M/n?" Kenma whispered, breaking the awkward silence between everyone in the gym. You released a quick gasp, bringing your fingers up to your mouth.

"Do you uh... know each other?" Kuroo asked.

"Ah- well! So I just- So you're a volleyball player?" You stammered, adjusting your posture, attempting to lean a foot on the bench next to you and missing.

"M/n.." He whimpered, debating between running away to escape this awkward and embarrassing situation or running towards his soulmate and hugging the shit out of him, something that would leave a lasting sensation this time, not a fleeting one in a fuzzy dream. And despite everything telling him not to, he chose the latter, bringing M/n down into a deep hug that was easily reciprocated.

You were warm, he could feel your hands through his thin volleyball uniform, his face pressing in your neck, yours in his fading golden hair.

"Hi, Ken."

"Hi stalker." He whispered, nuzzling his nose further into you. He was addicted to holding you, his body heating up tenfold, sweating before the match even began, holding onto the back of your shirt tightly, pushing you closer.

Whining, you held him tighter, not wanting to pull back until an awkward throat clearing and whistle filled the otherwise silent gym.

"You can leave the Pda for after. I think if Bokuto-san and Kuroo-san don't play soon they'll jump out of their skin."

"And everyone else will die from awkwardness." A second year muttered as everyone dispersed to opposite sides.

coughing nervously, watching Kenmas blush travel down to his neck in embarrassment as he covered his face with his hair, you pulled his face in your hands, pressing your foreheads together.

"Let's talk after, Ken." You proposed softly, closing your eyes.

Kenma felt like his heartbeat would fall out through his fucking asshole, loud enough to be the bass in a car as he hummed a yes, detaching himself from M/n, running away with his head down, leaving you to dreamily sigh your way back to the bench, squealing and twirling around.

Today was definitely a good day.


a/n; yippee

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