Halcyon; idyllically happy, sereneNaturally, this word described the both of them. M/n and Kenma. They were boyfriends, and more importantly, they were soulmates. Every time Kenma thinks back to before, to how he used to feel, he is a little more grateful that M/n urged him to meet. He's a 'little' grateful that he's not in the same 'fuck the universe' mindset because maybe, he might like the universe a little.
Sure, M/n could be chaotic and annoying at times, but he was funny, kind, charismatic, charming, endearing, understanding, and kenma lov- liked him. Kenma liked him.
Now all that was left was to get his friends to like him too. Which might be hard after his 'your mom' and 'i'm kenma's daddy' jokes.
Kenma stood near the entrance of his school, letting M/n fix the cuffs of his uniforms shirt. Kenma looked around nervously, attempting to spot anyone he knew so he could hide immediately, M/n just moving to twirl a strand of Kens hair between his fingers.
"It's alright, Ken. I'm leaving now."
The boy nodded, looking up to his boyfriend.
"Will you be okay?"
"I've been here the whole weekend, your mom is basically my best friend right now." M/n snickered, grabbing Kenma's hands and swinging them back and forth. The other male hummed, looking away with a conflicted expression on his face.
"It's okay." M/n mumbled with a smile, checking around them before grabbing Ken's face, leaving a little kiss on his forehead.
"I'll be here for your practice. Go now, or I'll make you late."
Kenma nodded in understanding, scurrying off and into the school building.
7:12 AM
youre going to school tomorrow.m/n
snookums :(kenraah
no. ur going home. ur not gonna fail
cause of me.m/n
if i give you a faaat , wetttt kiss
will u let me stay~~~~
Kenma paused, his fingers covering over the keyboard, licking his lips in thought. 'A kiss?'
M/n just watched the text bubble jump, before disappearing.kenraah
Kenma went through his day avoiding Kuroo and anyone else he was close enough to on the team that would start asking him questions, finally coming to a stop at the gym doors, favoring holding the straps of his bag so he didn't indulge in his 'nervous habit' of picking at his fingers.
Confrontation was the last thing he wanted until M/n got there. Emotional support boyfriend. He debated on not even going in, being late seemed more favorable than being alone, but before he could turn around and move the way he came, one of his loudest teammates, Lev Haiba snuck behind him, placing a huge ass hand on his shoulder.
"What'cha doin'?"
"None of your business." The shorter of the two mumbled, opening the gym doors and stepping inside. Getting away from Lev was step one. Confrontation was a little lower on the list.
"Kyaaaaanmaaaa!!" He heard an irritating screech, which he could only guess was his name, before Kuroo was on his knees in front of him.

euneirophrenia* kozume k.
Fanfictioneuneirophrenia; the peaceful state of mind after a pleasant dream. Noun. ,,soulmate au,, in which kenma got stuck with the fate of having his soulmate appear in his dreams every night, and although he dreaded the fact that he had a partner chosen...