Angel,, 17

800 28 11

Angel ; an ethereal being <3

"God," M/N says, sighing wistfully at the lunch table with his cousin and friend. "Did you see him?"

"Yess, M/N," Akaashi sighs, staring up from his phone to look at his cousin and best friends face. "For the hundredth time, we saw him." He finishes, exasperated.

"Shut up! I would stop talking about him if I could!" M/N groans, dropping his head on the table.
"He's all I've thought about since we met! And I guess our soulmate bond has been like.. fulfilled? Or something.. so the dreams have stopped, and he doesn't like facetiming, and ugh! I miss his face!" The lovestruck male rants, huffing a sigh at the end.

"Ew.. by fulfilled you mean you had sex?" Bokuto buts in, his cheeks full of food like a hamster. Akaashi just sighs and scoots away from where Bokuto sat disgustedly, avoiding looking at his cousin, who was across the table choking on his spit.

"No!" He yelped, coughing harshly, now at full attention. "No! We did not have sex! Why would you think we had sex?!"

"Okay, you just like.. yelled that and we're in a school, shut the hell up." Akaashi berated, shaking his head and putting an earbud in.

"Sorry, but it's not my fault Bo is an actual idiot."

"It was a valid question!" Bokuto huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It was." Akaashi agreed, continuing to look at his phone.

M/N rolled his eyes, pulling out his own phone to sneak a peek at his lock screen wallpaper. Which was a picture of Kenma. Sleeping. Yup, he was so normal about this.

"I wish I met my soulmate already," Bokuto pouted, puffing out his cheeks. "How come you get to? I'm like one hundred times better than you."

"K first of all, not true. And I wouldn't have known Kenma was my soulmate if not for the bond we had." M/N shrugged, smiling lightly. "Maybe Akaashi's your soulmate."

Akaashi snapped his neck up quickly, narrowing his eyes to the both of them.

"Don't bring me into this."

Bokuto nodded in agreement, looking at M/N with a weird face.

"I'm just saying! Have you guys ever hugged before? You're an unlikely duo who's best friends.. think about it." M/N shrugged, standing up to leave the table. As soon as his back was turned, he snickered evilly, walking away and leaving them to dwell on their soulmate situation.




can i come over?

.. typing

before u say no
dont say no
i miss you


Kenma's face flushed lightly, his eyes glazing over. 'I miss you.' Simple words, but for some reason, they made him feel soft. It warmed his heart to know that M/N missed him. He sighed, tapping his finger against his phone as he thought about M/N's request, before replying.

don't bring clothes.
ur not staying the night.

thank u bbg
and we'll see about that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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