Door 10: Surprise

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2255 words. Enjoy!

8 hours ago.

8 hours ago was when Rush had said he didn't know who Ambush was.

Figure tapped the wooden desk rhythmically as Seek paced behind him. It wasn't just Rush who didn't know who Ambush was.

It was everyone.

Everyone except for Seek and Figure. So why were they the only two who remembered him? Something wasn't right. Figure wouldn't accept anything the entities said as an answer either. There would be no doubting, no 'maybe there was no Ambush...?' no 'maybe he's just crazy' with a mental breakdown. No. None of that. Figure knew something was wrong.

There was only the sound of the two in the vast library, and only them. Figure hated the sound of ticking clocks going for hours, so he had any that were in his domain removed.

8 hours ago was when Rush had said that, and from there everything spiraled. After the two left, Figure had forced Seek and himself to sleep before anything else, or else it'd have been too late to theorize.

Letting out a long sigh, Figure began recalling the events of what had happened again to try to rationalize it.

"I'm-- I'm sorry. Who?"

"What do you mean who?" Seek interjected. "He means Ambush. Please use your pranks for another ti-" the entity abruptly paused, Figure having raised his hand for silence.

"It is fine, Seek." Figure paused for a moment, lowering his hand. The chatter of the entities didn't stop, but it didn't make his silence any less terrifying. "Rush, are you saying you do not know who Ambush is?"

Rush slowly nodded. He looked nervous, and a quiver had been added to his voice. There wasn't a hint of deception though, nor did Rush's heartbeat falter in a way that would make Figure second-guess him. "..Yeah. I really don't. Should I..?"

To that, Figure had no answer. After a few more seconds of thought, the tall entity's chair slid across the floor with a long screech as he stood up. Conversation in the room haltered, even Jeff looked over to see the sudden commotion as all eyes laid on their leader.

"Do any of you know the entity whose name is Ambush?" His voice carried throughout the large room so that nobody would have the excuse to say they didn't hear him. Along with his solemn stance and presence brought an uneasiness amongst the entities. No one dared to say it, but they all felt a chill when Figure spoke. His words held no malice, yet they felt terrified at the thought of answering no to his question.

The entity who was first to speak was none other than Jack, who stood at the entrance of the café, seemingly having just arrived. "Who's Ambush? Should we know them?" Stepping further into the room, Jack dodged the tables as he made his way over to Figure. "Apologies for the sudden intrusion, but is Ambush a new entity maybe? I wouldn't be surprised." There was an ease in his tone that made the other entities relax. They'd all now followed Jack's assumption that Ambush was probably just a new entity.

That was until Seek spoke. "What the hell are you guys all on?" Seek questioned. "Ambush? Ambush, you know, your friend? Actually stop the prank, Figure is being serious right now." Seek grumbled at the end of the sentence. The tension in the room snapped right back to thick at his remark. Figure supposed he was probably just moody because he was tired, but Seek did have a point. If this was a prank, it wasn't funny. If it wasn't a prank though?

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