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♱ Travis and Larry were always close friends, laughing and play fighting like they did when they were kids. ♱

𖤐 But Travis had.. stronger.. feelings for the boy, feelings he wished he didn't have, but he loved those feelings just as much as he loved Larry. He loved him more then his heart could handle. He knew these feelings were wrong, he knew he couldn't act on them. He knew it was a sin. 𖤐

Travis was rudely awakened by the sound of aggressive pounding on his door, Kenneth did this whenever he got woken up by Travis' alarm if he didn't turn it off, or if he slept in. This time he slept in. "Taylor Phelps get your ass up right now!" Kenneth yelled from outside of his door. "Yes sir.." Travis groaned as he sleepily got out of bed. Kenneth's heavy footsteps trailed away from the bedroom door, indicating he had gone downstairs.

Travis opened his closet, trying to rub sleep out of his eyes as he grabbed his white dress shirt. He slipped out of his pajamas, then wiggled into the shirt. He grabbed his magenta sweater, then his blue jeans that landed just above his knees, putting both pieces of clothing on. Travis made his way over to his dresser, grabbed his golden cross, clipping it around his neck and making sure it was under the collar of the dress shirt, not over. He grabbed a few random rings from his pile of jewelry his sister, brother and Larry got him for his birthday, then put them on his fingers. One on his left index finger, two one both middle fingers (my classic bedazzled fuck you), and left his left ring finger open.

Travis threw his bag over his shoulder, walking downstairs, still rubbing his eye. "Morning, lil bro." He heard Harper say when he got to the bottom of the stairs, followed by her violently ruffling his hair. "Do you have to do that every time you see me-?!" "Yep." "I hate you.." "Awh I love you too!" Harper made fake kissing sounds before Jacob, Travis' twin, came into view. "Leave the kid alone, he doesn't need you and Johnson fucking up his hair 24/7." He spoke with a slight cough, he had been smoking again. "I'm the same age as you fuckwit!" Travis said, a slight laugh coming out of his throat as he said that. "Blah blah blah you're still shorter then me. Also did you sleep in your binder again?" Jacob questioned, pointing at Travis' chest area. He of course, looked down at his chest. He did. "God damnit." "Good job, dumbass." "Oh buzz off! Let's just go before father smacks the shit out of us.."

The three of them waited outside the ministry for the bus, eventually seeing the yellow vehicle pull up and skid to a stop. The sound of the tires screeching made Travis' ears ring. They got on to the bus, Jacob and Harper sitting closer to the front, while Travis sat closer to the back.

Travis had his eyes closed most of the ride, until he heard the familiar laughter of Larry, Sal, Todd and Chug. Sal had recently come to the school, he was the same age as Travis. He barely knew the bluenette but he hated him. The four kids got on to the bus, Larry waving at Travis when he saw his blonde hair. He walked to Travis' seat, then sat beside him. "Hey, Phelps." Larry said with a smile as he ruffled his hair. "What is it with you and Harper fucking up my hair-?!" "it's fun." Travis jokingly rolled his eyes.

Travis and Larry talked the whole bus ride, either talking about their lives or school stuff, then the topic of crushes came up. "Ay, Trav?" "What is it?" "Do you have a crush on anyone?" The word "crush" made Travis' face heat up. He immediately took his gaze off of Larry so he wouldn't see how red he was. He hated the fact he blushed over one fucking word. "No- why are you asking..?" He asked, slightly stuttering a few times. "No reason, just wanted to know if ya fancied anyone yet." Larry said with a shrug.

The bus came to a stop in front of the school, Larry and Travis both got off and walked into the school together. Larry was close to Travis, but not too close, knowing what he goes through at home he didn't want to set him off on accident. "You know you are allowed to touch me freely, right?" Travis stated, though it came out as a question. "Yeah.. But I don't wanna set ya off on accident, knowin' how bad you anger issues are." "I don't have anger issues!" "Point proven." Travis scoffed but couldn't help but giggle at Larry's comment. He was right, the fact he was right usually would've made Travis' blood boil, but it didn't.

They both went the their lockers, getting their stuff and heading to their first class. They sadly didn't have any classes together due to Larry being a year older then Travis.

{I should sit with him at lunch.. Or ask him to sit with me, those flamers wouldn't let me sit at their table.. Larry might want me to, but Todd as seen how I act towards Sal so..}

Travis' thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the second bell.


Lunch came around, eventually. It felt like he had been stuck in his second class for centuries. He found Larry walking in the hallway immediately, running a bit to catch up with him. "Hey, Larry." "There's my little highlighter head!" "Oh buzz off- I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me and my siblings." Larry made a small "hmmm.." sound as he thought about it. "You know what? Sure! I rarely hang out with you during school, so why not?" Travis smiled. He didn't smile a lot, mostly because he fucking hated his braces and the fact that everyone could tell he had braces when he smiled. Larry however, found it adorable.

The four of them were seated at the table closest to where they get their lunches, it wasn't bologna day, thank god. Harper, Jacob, Larry and Travis all shared the same hatred for the bologna, the three Phelps kids even more then Larry, because they knew what was in it.

Travis was sat quite close to Larry, closer then he usually did. Larry of course noticed this. "Somethin' botherin' you, Phelps?" "No. Why?" "Well you never sit this close to me." "Well.. Am I not allowed to?" "Nah it's fine, I was just wonderin'." Larry had this goofy smile on his face as he looked at Travis, it made him blush. He kept his head down, hiding his face with his hands so no one would notice how flustered he was. It did him no good. Since Harper had already seen how red he was. She leaned in, then whispered in his ear. "You have a crush on Johnson, don't you?"

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