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After about twenty minutes of Sal basically begging Travis to sit with him and his friends, Travis finally agreed and got up.

They walked into the cafeteria, Sal sitting on one side of Larry and Travis sitting on the other. "What do you want, Phelps?" "You don't have to act, Lar. Sal already knows.." "... How much does he know?" "It's not that part if that's what you're thinking." "Oh okay, good." Travis knew Larry well, so he knew that Larry's first thought was if Travis told Sal that he was trans, Travis swore to never tell anyone. Only Ashley and Larry know about this. Well... They're the only people that aren't family that know.

Travis and Larry sat in silence for a good minute. "I'm really, really sorry for kissing you, and ignoring you today.. I understand if you hate me and don't want to be friends with me anymore I totally understand-" "Travis. It's okay, I already told you." "Yeah but that could've changed-" "when have I ever hated you?" Travis was silent for a little bit, then replied. "In middle school when you blamed me for your dad's disappearence." "Apart from that-" "well... Other then that.. I guess, never.." "Exactly." Larry smiled, opening his arms for a hug.

Travis smiled softly, hugging Larry back by wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his head on his chest. "Thank you..." "Of course, Trav." Larry said, wrapping his arms around Travis and playing with his hair.

Travis and Larry were hugging almost the entire time, if they weren't, Travis was half asleep with his head resting on Larry's shoulder. But unfortunately, the bell eventually rung.

Travis groaned, sitting up and rubbing his eye, then winced since it was the black eye he accidentally rubbed. "I don't wanna go to classs..." Travis whined, holding on to Larry's arm like he always did. "We can skip, if you want." "But then my father will get upset.." "Check in with your teacher first so she or he knows you're here, then leave. That's what I tend to do." "... If you say so.."

Travis, Larry and Sal walked out of the cafeteria, Larry parting from them to go to his class. "so you're actually gonna skip today?" "Yeah.. kinda nervous, you know, since in your words I'm a "good Church boy that wouldn't break the rules"" Travis giggled, putting quotation marks around the last bit. Sal giggled in response. "Am I wrong??" "No, you're not." Travis said with a chuckle.

Sal and Travis sat in class, waiting twenty minutes before asking to leave. Travis got up, so did Sal. They both walked up to teh teachers desk, Travis was clutching his stomach lightly. "Uhm, Miss?" "Yes, Sal?" "Can I bring Travis to the nurse's office? He says he's not feeling well and I'm worried.." "oh why of course, go right ahead." Sal nodded, then looked at Travis. "You wanna bring your stuff?" Travis nodded in response, being the theater kid that he was he was doing well with the acting. Sal grabbed Travis' stuff, giving it to him before they both left.

Once they were away from the classroom and out of earshot, Travis laughed. "God that was almost too easy!" He said while giggling. Sal continued to giggle as they walked through the halls.

Travis had texted Larry while they were in class, asking him where they should meet. Larry said they'd meet in the gender neutral bathrooms that kids basically begged the principal to put in, so that's where they went.

Larry was already there, sitting on the counter with a cigarette between his lips. Travis immediately went over and wrapped his arms around his waist, a big smile on his face. "Someone's a bit clingy." "Shut up, Sally Face-" Travis couldn't help but giggle, Sal had a point.

Larry smiled at Travis, wrapping his arms around him. "It's only been 25 minutes, you're actin' like you haven't seen me in three years." He giggled softly. Sal struggled to get on to the counter, since the counters went up to his chest. Yes, his chest. Travis got on the counter as well, having a whole hell of a lot easier time getting on then Sal.

They all talked the whole period, smiling and giggling. Sal and Larry were smoking, Sal was only smoking regular cigarettes father then the weed ones Larry had, he preferred not to get high while at school. Travis, despite wanting to, didn't smoke at all, he knew his father would smell it on him the moment he walked in.

Travis was leaning against Larry, a small smile on his face as he traced shapes on the back of Larry's hand. Larry didn't seem to mind. Travis looked up at Larry, with how he was positioned he had to look up at him. "Larry?" "Sup?" "Can I uh.. kiss you-?" "... Sure." "Really??" "Yeah dude, I don't really care if you do or don't." Larry had a soft smile on his face.

Travis sat up properly, scooting close to Larry so he was pressed up against him. He didn't hesitate this time, just pulled Larry's face closer to his and kissed him with a smile. "God this is so gay." Sal said. "Shut up!!" Travis said when he pulled away, a layer of blush on his face as he chuckled.

They all continued to talk and laugh, having a blast. Travis was actually enjoying Sal's company, no he loved Sal's company, it was nice being friends with him.
Maybe he isn't so bad after all.

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"Please don't leave me." { Larvis }Where stories live. Discover now