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Travis woke up about an hour later, maybe a little less, looking around while rubbing his eye. Larry was no where in sight. He got up, grabbing a random pair of shorts from Larry's dresser (since he didn't care if Travis borrowed stuff) and changing into them before leaving.

Larry and (unfortunately) Sal were sitting on the couch, laughing and talking. "Oh, mornin', Trav!" Larry said cheerfully. "Hi..." Travis yawned, rubbing his eye again. Travis didn't even notice that Sal was there until he spoke up. "Hi!!! How'd you sleep??" Sal had that cheerful tone to his voice that he always had, Travis hated it. "I slept fine.. why're you here?.." "I dropped the gearboy so Todd's fixing it, but until then I'm hanging with Larry!" "Idiot.." Travis mumbled, walking over and sitting next to Larry.

Travis groaned, holding his head in his hands with his elbows on his knees. "You okay?" Larry asked, about to put a hand on Travis' back but quickly pulled it away. "It feels like I've got a massive hangover.. and I didn't even drink last night.." "aaanythin' else buggin' you?" "Besides the fact Sal's here, my stomach kinda hurts..." "Maybe because you didn't eat last night, or at lunch yesterday." Travis groaned, not thinking before leaning against Larry. "It hurts..." He mumbled. Sal looked concerned. "He didn't eat yesterday?" He whispered to Larry. "No, not even a small bite." "Dude... I'll go find some painkillers-" Sal got up, knocking on the bathroom door before opening it.

Larry and Travis were left alone for a bit while Sal rummaged in the bathroom cabinets, trying to find painkillers. Larry carefully got Travis to lay down, sitting beside him on the floor. He was holding his hand, weirdly enough, gently rubbing the back of his hand. "Why didn't you eat anythin'..?" "I don't wanna say.." "Travis, "please tell me... I'm worried about you.." Those four words made Travis' heart sting. He hated making Larry worry for him, he hated Larry even being sad around him.

Just as Travis was about to respond, Sal walked back into the room, making Larry let go of Travis' hand. He wished he didn't. "Here you go, Travis. I'll get you a water bottle.." "Thanks, I guess..." Travis mumbled, looking at the label to see how many he was supposed to take for his age. It was two. He so wanted to take more then what he was supposed to. He saw the look on Larry's face, he was lightly shaking his head. He knew what Travis was about to do.

Sal gave Travis a water bottle, sitting on the ground beside Larry. Travis took two pills out of the pill bottle, then took a sip of water and placed both items on the floor beside the couch. He rolled on to his side, groaning a little in the process.

After about ten minutes of solid silence, Sal got up with a sigh. "I'll leave you two be.. Text me if he gets any better..." Sal waved to Larry, walking out of the apartment. Now Larry and Travis were alone... Just the two of them...


Travis was feeling a whole lot better now, it didn't feel like his stomach was just gonna fly out of his body every five seconds. He and Larry were sitting on Larry's bed, hugging and basically cuddling but sitting up. "I like being like this... With you..." Travis mumbled, taking Larry by surprise. "I like being like this too..." They both smiled, falling into complete silence.

After a few minutes of complete silence, Travis sat up slightly, only enough to look at Larry properly. "Hey, Larry?.." "yeah?" "Can I uhm.. do something quickly?" Larry nodded. "Can you close your eyes as well-?" "Are you gonna pull a knife on me or some shit-??" "Heh, no. I just feel more comfortable with your eyes closed." "Alright." Larry shrugged, closing his eyes.

This was Travis' one chance, he had to do it now.

Travis hesitated, then gently cupped Larry's face with his hand, pulled his face a little closer to his, leaned in then...

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"Please don't leave me." { Larvis }Where stories live. Discover now