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Travis woke up in the middle of the night, around 1 - 1:30 that is. He sat up, stretching and yawning. He couldn't remember what happened, all he knew was that he was crying, Larry hugged, then he passed out. Travis looked down at Larry, who was currently under him, asleep. He scrambled to get off of Larry, being careful not to wake him obviously, then got off the bed. Larry only stirred in his sleep before going back to snoring, thank god.

Travis made his way out of the room and into the living room, sitting on the couch with his arms folded across his chest and holding one another. He just... Sat there... And stared into nothingness... Which was weird, it was normal for Travis to be restless at night, but he never just stared at the ground or wall when he couldn't sleep.

About an hour later, Larry waddled out of the room while rubbing his eye. "Travis..? What're you doin' awake..?" He asked, walking over and sitting next to Travis with a yawn. "Huh? Oh uh.. i-i couldn't sleep.." Travis stuttered slightly, then he proceeded to beat himself up on the inside for it. "Did you get another nightmare or somethin'?.." "no... Just.. couldn't get to sleep after waking up..." "Oh..." Larry yawned again, wrapping one arm around Travis' waist and resting his head on his shoulder. It took Travis a minute to figure out what just happened, when he did his face went bright red and turned to look at Larry. "What are you doing-?" "Oh, sorry.. still a bit tired.." "Go back to sleep then." "Nooo... If you're not going to sleep neither am Iiiiii..." Travis chuckled in response.

They eventually both went back to Larry's room. Travis flopped on to the bed almost immediately, resting his head on the pillow and wrapping a blanket around himself while facing Larry. "You seem tired again.." Larry said with a chuckle filled yawn. "Mm... I'm just comfy that's all..." "Mhmmm, sure you are, Phelps." They both giggled. Larry crawled into the bed, laying down behind Travis. "Hey, Trav?" "Sup?" "Can I uh.. Cuddle you again?" Travis thought for a minute before nodding with a small "mhm!" Sound. Travis was very excited but did a good job hiding it.

Larry wrapped his arms around Travis' waist and abdomen like he had done during the movie, it gave Travis butterflies. Larry pulled Travis body close to himself so they were pressed up against each other, sharing body warmth.

Travis basically thanked God that the room was dark so Larry, or anyone for that matter, couldn't see how red he was. He felt filthy from the fact he was doing the one thing he swore was a sin, something he'd never do; Lay with a man as he does with a woman.

Despite that feeling, Travis loved this moment dearly. He was being spooned by his crush. But.. one thing confused him... "Hey, Larry?" "Yeah man?" "Why are you.. uhh.. suddenly so touchy..?" "Are you uncomfortable by it-? I can stop if you want." "No, it's fine... I'm just wondering why.." Larry went silent for a solid one or two minutes, then finally spoke. "I just wanna be closer to you... We've been friends for years, I feel like we should be able to at least be touchy with each other by now..." "I guess.." Travis carefully flipped over so he could look at Larry, then scooted close so his face was buried in Larry's chest. Larry didn't complain, just smiled and wrapped his arms around Travis again. "Night, Trav." "Goodnight, Larry..." Travis said with a yawn before letting sleep take hold of him.


Travis was the first awake, mostly because he was woken up by the sound of knocking on the front door. He got up, fixing his hair a little before walking out. Travis looked through the peephole, trying to see who was at the door. "Larry? You awake?" He knew that voice. It was Sal. Travis groaned opening the door. "Johnson's asleep, Sally Face." "Huh- Travis? Why are you here?" "A project, Larry needed help on it and asked me." "... And you agreed..?" "Yeah? My sister would've beaten my ass if I didn't." "Ohh..." The two boys went silent for a few seconds. "Well? Why are you here?" "Oh! Right, I was gonna take Larry to meet Megan today." "And that is...?" "A ghost in the bathroom on the fifth floor." "... You believe in ghosts?" "Well duhhh. Who doesn't?" "Uh, Larry maybe?? I know he doesn't believe in ghosts, cause he's not childish." Sal rolled his eye-... Well eye... In response to Travis. That just made his blood boil. "That's why I'm taking him to meet Megan." "Whatever... Come by in an hour, he might be awake by then." "Alright, bye Travis!!" "Bye, freak."

Travis closed the door, wobbly walking back to the room and laying beside Larry, immediately wrapping his arms around the boy. "Mmm... Hi, Travis..." Larry mumbled, half asleep. "Hey, Lar.." Travis yawned, burying his face into the crook of Larry's neck. Larry chuckled tiredly. "At least there's no school today... You seem suuuuper fuckin' tired." "I am... I don't know why.." Larry rolled on to his back, letting Travis cuddle up to him at his side. He seemed to not care, but Travis couldn't help but overthink and worry.

Travis worried that Larry was only letting him cuddle him because Larry didn't want to make him upset, he worried that Larry actually hated that he did this just never said anything. Travis worried that Larry hated him in general, that was the worst thought ever.

Travis whined at the thought, wanting it to go away. "You okay..?" "Mhm... Just stupid thoughts..." "Oh, heh. I get those too.." Larry said, yawning. He pulled the blankets over both of them, smiling a little as he kept one arm around Travis, rubbing his side lightly. "Can we go back to sleep..?" "Of course, no need to ask me twice.." They both chuckled, then almost immediately fell asleep after.

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