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Neither of them said a word about what Larry had done. Travis was redder then a cherry tomato at this point, his mind rushing and his heart pounding so hard that Travis swore Sal, who was four floors above them, could hear it.

Travis and Larry continued to watch the movie, he hadn't said a thing, he wanted to, but didn't. Every now and then, Larry would gently rub Travis' side, making him even more flustered then he already was. "Uhm... Larry..?" "Yeah?" "Can we lay down-?" "Yeah of course, dude." Larry smiled softly. They both layed down, Travis was closer to the tv with Larry laying behind him.

It was silent for a solid minute, before he felt Larry's arms slowly wrap around his waist, pulling Travis closer to his body. He clasped his hands together against his abdomen, gently rubbing Travis' belly with his thumb for no real reason. Travis just got redder and redder with every little thing Larry did, which he hated.

Travis always got flustered easily, at least when he first got his crush on the metal head. Whenever Larry's hand softly brushed against Travis' as they walked, he'd blush. Whenever he passed notes to him while walking to classes, his heart would skip a beat. Whenever Larry giggled at one of Travis' jokes or even snorted, he'd blush a shit ton. Travis hated that it happened so much, but he loved it at the same time...

...It all confused him so much...

Travis was so lost in his thoughts that Larry's voice startled him. "Is this okay? Or is it too close-? I can move if it is I understand-" "No, Lar... It's perfectly fine.." Travis said softly. He could just feel that Larry was smiling at him before burying his face into the back of his neck. Travis' face went red with blush again, but didn't protest. Yes he was a little uncomfortable with how close they were, but for Larry... He would deal with it.


By the time the movie was done, Larry was fast asleep, they were watching a horror movie so it definitely confused Travis. He carefully got out of the bed, trying his best not to wake Larry, before leaving. "Oh, hello, Travis! I didn't know you came over. " Lisa welcomed Travis with a smile. "Hi, Mrs. Johnson.." "Hun, I told you to call me Lisa." She chuckled a little, walking over to Travis and hugging him. "I haven't seen you in ages! You've gotten so big!" "Heh... Yeah... The stuff I took to make me look more like a guy did some wonders." "It sure did, I barely even recognize you!" Lisa smiled with a chuckle. She ruffled Travis' hair, going back into the kitchen. "I made some spaghetti if you wanna bring some for Larry and yourself." "Oh, he's asleep right now." "Could you maybe wake him up for me? I don't want his food getting cold." "Heh.. Yeah, of course."

Travis walked back into Larry's bedroom, seeing Larry soundly asleep while snoring.

Travis shook Larry awake, making him jump. "Jesus Christ dude... What..?" Larry groaned, rubbing his eye as he sat up. "Your mother made us dinner, she told me to wake you up so it doesn't get cold." "Oh sweet.. what'd she make..?" "Spaghetti." Larry smiled a bit, getting up while stretching. Apparently sometime while Travis was distracted, he had taken off his shirt. Larry had tattoos all over his body, a sleeve of them on his arm, a few on his chest and stomach, and... Maybe one on his back? It was hard to tell. "Somethin' catch your eye, Phelps?" Larry said with a chuckle. Travis went red with embarrassment, he saw him staring?! "N-no!! I'm fine- shut up and put a shirt on so you're not cold-.." Travis mumbled quickly. Larry snorted in response, grabbing his shirt from off his bed and putting it on.

They both left, Travis still red as hell, and Larry oblivious to how flustered Travis was. "Morning, Lar-Bear." "Mooooommmm... Don't say that in front of my frienddd." "He's used to this, aren't you, Travis?" Travis nodded in agreement, a small chuckle leaving his throat.


They all sat down on the couch for dinner, well... Most of them. Larry was sat on the floor close to where Travis was sitting on the couch. Travis stared at the bowl of spaghetti in his hands, very nervous. He couldn't eat it, he knew that. His father hadn't allowed him to. And neither did Travis. He sighed, placing the bowl on the coffee table. "I'm not hungry..." "Are you sure? We were in there for four hours, the last time you ate was at lunch- wait you didn't even eat then, is somethin' wrong?" Larry spoke with worry on his voice, Travis hated it. Not that he hated the way Larry spoke like that, he hated that he made him worry. "I'm fine, Lar. I promise." Larry stared at Travis, sighed and rested his back against the couch. "If you say so..."

Travis felt so out of place now, he wasn't eating with Lisa and Larry, and the whole room went silent. Because of him. "I'm gonna go in Larry's room.." Travis said with a slight stutter. He didn't let anyone answer him before he disappeared into the room.


Travis had his himself under the blanket, crying. He tried to get himself to stop but nothing worked, tears just kept on falling. Why? He felt like he had made a fool of himself, in front of Larry. It wouldn't have been as bad if Travis saw Larry as his friend, but Larry was his crush. He embarrassed himself in front of his crush.

Travis' breath hitched when he heard the door squeak open. "Travis? Are you okay..?" Larry's soft voice spoke. God Travis hated how gentle he was with him. "I- *hic* I'm fine.." he mumbled. Larry sat down on the bed beside Travis, moving the blankets to see his face. Travis' face was stained with dry tears with a few new ones rolling down his cheeks. He was breathing heavily to the point it was getting hard to breath. "Travis- dude.. come here.." Larry opened his arms, and almost immediately Travis wrapped his arms around him. Travis had his arms wrapped around Larry's waist, half laying, half sitting up with his face in Larry's chest.

Larry hugged Travis, starting to play with his hair to keep him calm. "Breath, Travis.. it's okay.." "n-no *hic* it's not!!" "How so..?" "I-i made a fool of myself!! I-i probably m-made Lisa upset b-by not eating-" Travis choked on his own words, sobbing more into Larry's chest. Larry carefully layed a blanket over Travis, hugging him tightly once he did. "Please, Travis... I need you to breath..." Larry spoke with the softest tone he could use, just saying anything like that made Travis feel better.

After a minute or so, Travis had stopped crying, he was basically dry sobbing though. "I-im sorry..." "Don't be sorry, Travis. If you don't wanna eat, it's okay." Larry continued to play with his hair, hesitating to do something... Travis wished he knew what he was so hesitant to do.


Travis was calm by now, asleep and laying on top of Larry. He of course didn't mind, if Travis needed something to calm him and this was that something, he wouldn't mind. "Larry? Hun?" Lisa asked, poking her head into the room. "Yeah?" "Is Travis okay..?" "He's okay now that's for sure, he was crying.." "Do you know why?.." Larry looked at Travis for a second, then shrugged. He didn't know if Travis wanted Larry to say why or not, so he didn't say anything. "Alright... I'll leave you two be now.." "bye, mom." "Goodnight, dear."

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"Please don't leave me." { Larvis }Where stories live. Discover now