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Those few words buzzed around Travis' head like a bee hive. He sat in silence for a few seconds before looking at Harper, trying not to go red at the thought. "I don't." He whispered back. "You sure? Your face says otherwise, and the fact you've been getting more and more clingy by the day." She whispered, a shit eating grin appearing on her face, oh how he hated that grin. "I don't. End of story." He whispered again, then lifted his head up to look at Larry and Jacob, who were currently talking about.. Something.. "what are you guys talking about?" "Jacobs wantin' me to give him some of my weed." "Dude- no-" "for starters, I'm not even gonna give it to you." Larry said, making Jacob scoff. "It's bad for you." "Yeah? So what? I'm already a train wreck so nothing can really make it worse." Harper, Larry and Travis all seemed to sign in unison.


Soon came third period, Travis was having so much fun he almost didn't notice the bell had ring, making him a minute late to class. No one noticed thankfully.

He sat in the second to front row, third collum. In this class, there were two desks pushed together for each row, and which was nice for most kids, but not Travis. Why you may ask? Because Sal tended to try to sit close to him to "get to know him", this time, Sal sat in the desk next to him..

"Hi, Travis!" Sal said happily, Travis could just see that he was smiling through the eye he's of his stupid prosthetic. "Don't talk to me, freak." "Oh come on, loosen up! You won't get any friends acting like the Grinch." "I have more friends then you'll ever have!" "Mhmmm... Whatever you say Traaaaavis." Travis scoffed in response, crossing his arms around looking forward.

For the entirety of class, Sal kept trying to get Travis to talk to him without making some snarky remark about him or his friends. Failing everytime. "Hey, Travis?" "What do you want now?" "Why do you and Larry seem sooo.... Close?" Travis had completely forgotten that Sal didn't know that his bully was close friends with his brother. "We're not, I don't know what gave you that idea. I wouldn't be close with any of you faggots." "Yeah but.... When Larry isn't with me when you're doing your bully stuff, you don't hold back. But when he is.. you do." "Ever thought that I might just be too tired to go all out, Sally Face?" "Eh.. guess that makes sense." Travis rolled his eyes, looking back at his sketchbook. He was so close to being busted.


The end of the day finally came, Travis was free from that hell hole and talking with his siblings outside of the school doors. "Sooo did you talk to Larry about it yet?" "About what-?" "Your crush on him honestly!" Harper said, catching Jacobs attention. "Whoa, Travis has a crush on Larry? Like actually?" "I don't have a crush on him! Never have, never will. I'm not gay!" Travis retorted, his face a light pink with blush. "Whos got a crush on a guy?" Larry said as he walked up, putting a hand on Travis' shoulder out of instinct, but immediately pulled his hand away. "No one! No one has a crush on a guy, no one does!" "He's got a crush on a dude." "I don't!! For the last time I'm not a faggot!" "Whoa there Phelpsy, there's a gay dude here careful with what you're sayin'." Larry joked, following his sentence with the type of laugh a smoker has. "You're not the only gay one here, Harper got a girlfriend recently." Travis said l, gesturing to Harper. "No fucking way, you're not only a lesbian but get bitches too??? I didn't know that was possible!" "Oh go sit on a dick, Johnson!" She said with a playful punch in the arm.

The four kids got on to the bus, all of them sitting at the front this time. They got on after Sal and his friends so him and Larry wouldn't get sold out. "So, who's the guy you're crushin' on, Trav?" "No one, I'm not gay, Larry." "Mmm I say otherwise." Larry chuckled a little. I, the narrator, would be underestimating if I said that Travis liked Larry's laugh, he loved I- no scratch that... He was obsessed with his laugh. "Okay, fine. Maybe I do like a guy, so what?" "Oh now I have to know who!" "I'm not telling." "Even if I give you a kiss?" "Dude, ew." They both giggled about it. they always joked about Larry or Travis kissing the other, half the time when Travis said it, it was true. But with him being the theater kid he is, literally, he makes it seem like it's a joke. It works every time. Sometimes he wished it didn't so Larry would catch on... But it never did, he was thankful that it didn't honestly, he'd beat himself up if Larry acted weird about it. {Stop thinking like that, Travis. You already know he doesn't like you so don't even try.} He thought to himself. Apparently Larry had been waving his hand in front of Travis' face, he had spaced out for ten minutes, only snapping back when Larry did that. "Dude you okay?" "I'm fine.. just got a lot on my mind right now..." "Wanna come to my place today then? That usually helps you take your mind off things." "Sure.." "sweet! I'll tell Harper a-" "no, I want it to just be the two of us." "Really? Usually you want at least one of them with us, is something wrong?" "No nothing's wrong, just wanna spend more time with you instead of the two of them as well." Larry smiled slightly.

The bus screeched to a stop in front of the apartments, Sal, Todd, and Chug all got off first. Larry and Travis stood from their seats, and just when Travis was about to get off, Harper grabbed his sleeve gently. "Where're you going?" "To Larry's apartment, I wanna clear my head.." "Without us this time?" "Yeah... Sorry sis." "It's fine, I'll text you when we get home." "Okay, see you later." Travis waved to his siblings before getting off the bus. "What was that about?" Larry asked, starting to walk to the building once Travis caught up. "Oh nothing, just Harper wondering where I'm going." "So big sister things?" Yeah, basically." Travis chuckled a little, smiling down at Larry before looking ahead.


Travis and Larry were both watching a movie in Larry's room, both huddled up under a mountain of blankets to keep warm in the freezing cold basement. "I'm guessing Lisa hasn't fixed the heating system yet?" "Nope, she hasn't been able to get around to it." "That sucks.. do you guys at least have a space heater?" "Ours broke a few days ago." Travis let out a sigh, looking back at the tv. He shivered again despite having ten blankets over his body, so he reluctantly scooted a bit closer to Larry to get some of his warmth. "You must be really cold to be right next to me, huh, Phelps?" Larry spoke as he looked at Travis with a smug look on his face. "Yeah.. I don't like cold places..." "I know you've said it so many times before, come here." Larry said, carefully opening the arm closest to Travis. "What're you-?" "Scoot closer, dumbass." "Okay okay-" Travis scooted closer, then Larry wrapped his arm around him and pulled him even closer so he was basically pressed up against Larry's side. He could just feel his face heat up instantly, his heart racing and his stomach in a whirl. They never got this close to each other, why did Larry suddenly want Travis right next to him? It must've just been because he knew he was cold... Right?

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